Preparing for the Consultation
**All consultations will be done through Zoom or phone. A Zoom link will be sent the day before or day of consultation.1. Samples for the Asyra test will need to be sent before the consultation. Samples needed are Saliva (on a q-tip), nails from every finger OR toe and some hair (from anywhere on the head- do not need much). Put all the samples in a baggie and write in permanent marker the clients name, address, phone number and birthdate on the bag. Mail in a regular envelope to the home office at: 1853 Hord Lake Road, Central City, NE 68826.
2. Have all supplements with you at the time of the appointment.
3. Please mail or email copies of most recent blood work.
4. Along with the Asyra testing samples, mail the Intake form, Symptom Checklist and Clinical Appraisal form (can be downloaded under Forms tab), and a $75 deposit. The deposit will go towards the appointment, however if cancelled, the deposit will not be returned.
Payment can be made by check, credit card or Venmo.