Brittany Weidlich

snag my free cheat sheet On HOW WE REDUCED THE TOXINS IN OUR HOME!

As a momma to 3 littles I now feel empowered to have safe clean products in our home. I am passionate about helping others feel empowered for themselves and their precious family. I was a Clorox wipe using, candle loving mama who could not believe my eyes when I discovered what was in alllll the things we were using daily! You don't have to feel tricked anymore either.

Meet Brittany Weidlich

I'm a Mississippi momma to our three girls and wife to my Canadian hubby. I am a retired kindergarten teacher turned play enthusiast.  After spending a few years in Canada we decided to return back to my roots in southern Mississippi where we enjoy the warm weather and views of the Gulf Coast.

Teaching is something I've always had a passion for and something I knew I was called to do. I love teaching but then I became a momma. I still remember that gut wrenching feeling of having to return to work following maternity leave after having our first daughter. I would pick her up from daycare just in time to cook dinner, feed her and put her to bed. This was our every day.

While pregnant with our second daughter I discovered I had high grade cells on my cervix which had the potential to turn into cancer if not removed. I had no clue that it mattered what products or chemicals I was putting on my body, more importantly what I was putting on our children's bodies. It was during this moment that a kindergarten parent introduced me to something that would help us in all the areas that I didn't yet know we needed. I know I cannot protect our children from everything, but at least by using these natural products she introduced us to, I am no longer being tricked by false marketing and am doing my best as a mother. I now feel assured that I am using safe, toxin free products on my family and in our home. I am even more excited about the fact that I get to help teach and empower other families about toxin free products.

How can I not feel excited about the chance to teach others by sharing what we are passionate about and what works for our family. This means I get to be a momma first, enjoying all the small and big moments with our three daughters as we empower other families to take a closer look at what's in their cabinets one step at a time.

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