Sooner or later all of us will have dealt with rejection. Whether big or small, rejection hurts. It can be very difficult to recognize ANYTHING positive through the painful lens of rejection.  

But it is more damaging to stay stuck there.  Building a resilience to rejection is something we can work on —especially if past hurts and traumas have caused us to constantly or frequently view life through the lenses of rejection.  

I’m not an expert, but I have learned through my own experiences that it is a process that we need to participate in for our own good.  When rejection hits hard and goes deep, it can take specialized help to work through and come out on the other side.  As you work through rejection and acquire a personal toolbox of sorts, you’ll be better equipped for any type of rejections in the future. 
And perhaps you might even be able to look back and recognize the silver lining...LISTEN to REJECTION’S SILVER LINING

...or read from the show notes below.

Welcome to the Legacy Living Today podcast! 
I'm Dawn and I am so excited to have you join me here today. Together we can explore ways in which we can intentionally choose to break free from the tyranny of the urgent and decide to live legacy every day -- one day at a time!**

Getting rejected, whether it’s for a career position or in a relationship, can be one of the most challenging events you’ll ever experience. So it may be hard to believe that there is a silver lining when it comes to rejection, but it's true! 

There are some positives about being rejected.

Consider these points whenever you’ve gone through an experience involving rejection:

1.You may get a “do over.” Or a second chance. A rejection likely signals an end of something. 
Perhaps it’s the end of a romantic relationship. Or maybe it’s the end of going through a tedious process of a job search.

Whatever the case, when a rejection occurs, something new is about to
begin. Maybe you’ll be able to date again. Perhaps you’ll settle back in to
your current job with renewed efforts.
You get to start over when rejection occurs and that can be a real “plus.”
Recognize it.

2.You have time to reflect on the rejection. You can ask yourself, "What part did I play in this situation?"

When you ponder how you behaved, the actions you took, and how you
might have affected others throughout whatever transpired before and
during the rejection, it can be enlightening.

Take a few moments to think about how you conducted yourself through
the situation. Be glad for the time you now have to increase your

Figuring out anything you might have done or not done can help you with a
different approach in the future.

3. Ask yourself, “What, if anything, do I want to change about myself?” If you
wish to change something about yourself, go for it! 

Especially after a rejection, it’s good to re-focus back on yourself for a while.

4. Acknowledge the fate aspect of the situation. Perhaps it was fate. There may be something more fulfilling, enticing, or adventurous waiting for you around the next corner.

5. Take the bull by the horns and make some plans for your future. 

What life goals do you have? 
What do you need to be doing right now to get closer to
achieve them? 
Put some plans into place so you know exactly where you’re headed.

Use the clarity you have after the rejection to motivate you.

6.What did you learn from the experience? 

Jot down what you learned about
yourself, the situation, the other person involved, the interview process, or
whatever else it may be.
Perhaps you learned to prepare more for your interviews in the future.
Maybe you discovered you should have listened to your gut when it told
you not to get involved with that person. Perhaps you realize now that
you gave too much in a situation without expecting anything in return.

Figure out what you learned from the process. You will undoubtedly be able
to use that information later.

7. Get to the point where you can say, “It was worth it.” 

Every life experience
gives us something. 

After you figure out what you learned, then you can acknowledge that whatever you went through was worth it.

The silver lining of rejection allows you a “do over.” You get time to think about the part you played in the situation. You get an opportunity to make changes in yourself and acknowledge that fate took its course.
You have a renewed option to make plans for your future and determine what you learned from the experience. Ultimately, the silver lining is that you can say, 

“It was worth it.”

•Learn to move forward with confidence and purpose after a rejection. 
•Rediscover your passion for life. 
•Renew your efforts to discover the pathway toward the life of your

When you’re in the thick of rejection and can’t see past the painful lens of rejection, remember, Jesus was rejected and experienced the pain of rejection far greater than any we experienced.  He can relate to us in our pain. And we can relate to him.

Thanks for listening to this episode of Legacy Living Today. Legacy Living Today is a new podcast for women like you with a vision and desire to make a long-lasting impact with your most valuable asset -- your one precious life -- to explore together how we can live legacy — one day at a time.

There are things in life that we cannot control which nevertheless effect us, like being rejected in some manner.  Yet there are many things we do have some control over and that includes choosing to be an excellent steward of your one precious life - - including your health and wellness.

If you’d like to complete a free Wellness Assessment click the button below.


Your free 
Wellness Assessment is Step One to assist you to target areas of improvement in which you'd like to focus. 
Step Two is the follow-up in which you’ll get a personalized recommendation based on your answers in Step one’s Wellness Assessment

Your no-obligation free Wellness Assessment is a clarity activity for helping you steward your most valuable asset -- your one precious life! 

Ask for your’s today!


Dawn T. Baggett
Post Adoption (Mom) Coach 


Are you an adoptive mom? Me too!
Publishing this podcast & companion blog is one way that I stand in the gap for second moms with similar challenges to what I’ve gone through myself as an adoptive mom. 

Listen & subscribe to the podcast for free on your favorite listening platform.  
(Scroll down for Apple Podcasts & Spotify links).

The companion Circle of Second Moms Facebook group is a place to go deeper on topics that we touch on in the public podcast episodes along with guided journaling and more. Tap the JOIN LINK HERE for group access. 

Group members who want next level support through private coaching with me are invited to apply to  my private coaching program.

Through these avenues it’s my desire that many adoptive moms are able to close the gap and feel fully supported in a way that align with their Christian values and helps them grow in their faith while feeling more confident and empowered in their mom roles and beyond. 


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