Lori Peters
Unlock This Secret To Better Health & Wellness

These gifts from nature are powerful and pure, and used by millions of people every day.

Find out the treasure that is helping people live a healthier lifestyle, and bringing passion, purpose, and abundance to millions daily!
Unlock This Secret To Better Health & Wellness

These gifts from nature are powerful and pure, and used by millions of people every day.

Find out the treasure that is helping people live a healthier lifestyle, and bringing passion, purpose, and abundance to millions daily!
Unlock This Secret Now

Meet Lori Peters

I am a Mom, a Grandma, an Entrepreneur for a wellness company, a certified Life Coach, lover of everything Essential Oils, Wine, Laughter, and Jesus...not necessarily in that order!  I love spending time with my grandkids and my kids are not too bad either.  It brings me joy to make people laugh.  Living a healthy lifestyle is very important to me.  It is not all about exercise and nutrition, even though it is a large portion.  Mental wellness is a part of life many overlook, which is why life coaching is now in the mix.  

I am divorced, single Mom, and have worked three jobs at one time, went back to school to obtain my BA and MBA in Accounting.  I work full time for a medical company where I have been for the past 33 years.  Many times, I lived paycheck to paycheck.  I have been in bad relationships. I have visited different religions and now I have a relationship with God where Peace and Grace are bestowed upon me daily.  

I hope you will allow me to join you on this journey of overall wellness!  I do not want any women, young or mature, to ever feel like they are alone, and no one is there for them.  I am here for you! 

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