Because chemicals don’t bring you joy…

Get My Guide:  The Chemical Dirty Dozen 
to Marie Kondo those Chemicals out of your home!

It's amazing how much you'll breath easier and live healthier!


Thanks so much for stoping by my little space here on the web and listening to my story!  I can't wait to teach you everything I've learned over the years.

My biggest lesson has definitely been being a mom and it's still something I learn to navigate every day. As it turns out these little humans have a mind of their own, know what they want, and aren't afraid to whine at you until they get it, do ya feel me?  In Ashtanga Yoga we call parenting 7th series because it is the hardest practice of them all.  Now, I don't have a whole lot of parenting answers for you (still figuring all that out myself), but I can help with keeping your kids healthy! We want healthy kids because healthy kids are just happier kids and mama I know you want your kid to be happy just like I do.

When we first brought our son Eero home, I just felt lost.  He was colicky, gassy, had a serve case of torticollis, and was just an all around unhappy baby. Being a first time mom and confronted with all of this was HARD and compounded by my own emotional issues lead to my PPD.  The first 6 months of Eero's life was full of a lot of tears from both of us. 

Then his first REAL cold hit and fever hit.  I didn't feel prepared and didn't know what to do to help him.  Everyone just kept telling me, oh just use Infant Tylenol and Ibuprofen, this just didn't sit right with me.  I knew all I was doing was masking the symptoms and not actually helping his body to heal.  My baby was in pain and I wanted to do everything I could to help his body be strong and fight. This lead me down a path of diving into natural remedies, learning how the body works, and ultimately empowered me as a mother to care for my babies. 

Now I know what to do keep my babies healthy and I also have an abundance of tools to turn to when they are under the weather.  I know longer have that panicked feeling when Eero or Emma spike a fever, I know exactly what to and it is my mission to help every mama feel confident in taking care of their families. There is truly so much we can do when we understand how the body works, even in simple terms and I can't wait to share it all with you!

I'm here for you, through the up and downs, tears and smiles, I will be here to help uplift and encourage you. Know you are not alone, in fact there is a whole community of mamas waiting for you to join us and go against the status quo.  Our bodies are meant for health and our lives are meant for abundance.

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