3 Ways To Help Our Animals

 Live Longer

Holistic care is so old it's new again!  With good reason too...it works!  Here's how using holistic care with our animals can add years to their life.  Read on to the end to get a free recipe of my favorite immune booster roller bottle!
Knowing the source
…can protect our animals' wellness.

We know that what we feed our animals is important to their health, but knowing where the food comes from is just as important!  Today, it is shocking the number of chemical contaminants that are in food and products that are used both in and on our animal friends.  Being well-informed about these food choices and products is critical to their long-term well being.

Mindfulness is transformative.
It's easy to do what we've always done.
We use the same products as our friends, we even feed the same brand name foods. When we gain an awareness of the importance of nutrition and supplementation for our animals, it leads the way to being mindful of their mental and emotional balance as well as their physical wellness.

Prevention is the most effective tool
… when it comes to providing for the health and wellness of our animals.

Making smart choices when it comes to daily practices and use of products is first and foremost at the heart of their wellness.  My favorite things to incorporate daily are oil infused supplements, essential oils and an antioxidant drink.  I noticed significant, beneficial changes in my animals (and me!) when I began using these.  Their hair was shiny and softer.  They started moving better.  The dapples on my horses are stunning.  Best yet, it's been ages since we've had any health emergencies!

Immune booster roller bottle recipe
… a must have for year round wellness.
10 drops Oregano
5 drops Thyme
5 drops Basil
5 drops Cypress
5 drops Wintergreen
5 drops Marjoram
5 drops Peppermint

Add essential oils to a 10 ml roller bottle.  Fill the remainder of the bottle with your carrier oil of choice (jojoba, grapeseed, fractionated coconut).  For you, roll along both sides of your spine or on the bottoms of your feet.  For your animal, apply to their spine by applying the roller bottle to your palm and petting them.


Remember what I said about knowing the source?
It's important to know that NOT ALL essential oils are created equal.  You can't just go to a retailer and trust that you're getting the good stuff. 

 Fortunately, I've got a source that I trust, and they've got that terrific antioxidant drink and supplements that have my animals acting way younger than their actual ages!

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