Twenty-five years ago I had a devastating, life changing failure that opened a door for me to find Essential oils and Natural Wellness Solutions. I started a health and wellness business providing therapies, education, and essential oil products that made huge changes in my clients' lives. The majority of my clients were women over 40 struggling with mystery health challenges. So many struggled with their weight, inflammation, hormone imbalance, moods, and sleep. I learned so much in those years helping women, but I was blind to see myself heading towards some of those same problems.
For more than 10 years, from 35-45, I struggled with infertility, anxiety, depression, weight gain, care taking for an autistic son. I isolated and prioritized everyone but myself. Finally, I had an awakening that I had to do something about my weight and health. I hired a coach that helped me to prioritize my health and transform my body and mind.
So much changed because of that decision. I became a better wife, mom, and gained a new confidence to get back to helping clients again.
Now, at 50 I am back helping clients in my local community. I have an office inside of Integrative Health and Wellness Center where I offer classes, assessments and consultations as well as provide Detoxifcation, Relaxation and Essential oil techniques. You can learn more about my services here.
Monthly I run an online Weight Loss Wellness Program called Rev Up, with step-by-step strategic tools, education, and support that allow women over 40 to FEEL and look better than they have in years.
To date, Rev Up clients have released over 2,020 pounds and hundreds of inches, but more importantly, over 100 women have transformed their health and have more zest for life! Learn more about Rev up here Contact
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