Michelle Sharr

 3 Ways to Naturally Boost all Day Energy

I’m sure you are very aware that your health is your greatest asset.  And it is even more important when we are discussing natural energy.  So how do we protect our health to boost our energy naturally?  Here I’ll show you 3 ways to boost your energy so you can keep going all day long.  Read to the end, and I’ll give you a free recipe for an energy boosting roller that you can use on your entire family. 

Stay Hydrated

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but are you drinking enough water every day? 

We should aim to drink half our body weight in ounces each day. So, for a 100 lb person, the goal would be to drink 50 ounces of water each day.

If you have a hard time remembering to get enough water, try setting reminders on your phone to drink a set amount of water at specific times throughout the day.


When you lack sleep, you can stress your entire body which makes you more susceptible to lack of energy. Not getting enough sleep can also have an impact on your body systems, including how your body detoxes. Which is final for your all day energy. The good news is, getting a good nights sleep may not be all the difficult. A sleep routine can be very helpful.  Choose a time each night to turn of electronics and have a bedtime routine that winds you down and gets you ready for some sleep. Try journaling or brain dumping to help clear your mind and I highly suggest affirmations. Such as: All is well and I am supported or I entrust my body to sleep. I maintain perfect sleep timing and as a result I enjoy perfect sleep. Keep with your routine and I am sure you will be off to dreamland quickly. 

Move Your Body

This may seem counter productive but the more we move the better we feel. SO... get up, take a quick walk around your home or around the block, do some yoga, have a dance party with the kids. You do you! When your done grab a  drink of  water and know you are getting your endorphins pumping. 

this will help boost your mood, too!

  • Energy Boosting Roller Recipe

Remember that Energy Boosting roller I promised? Here’s the recipe.

  • 6 Drops of Peppermint
  • 6 Drops of Rosemary
  • 4 drops of Lemon
  • 4 drops of Orange 
  • 2 drops of Joy
  • Top with a carrier oil or V6
Roll on the bottom of your feet in the morning or whenever you need a pick me up. 

Remember what I mentioned about understanding the source?
 It’s important to know that not all essential oils are created equal—you can’t just go out to a retailer and trust that you’re getting the good stuff. Lucky for you, I’ve got a source I trust—and they’ve also got that super-healthy daily drink that’s got me feeling 10 years younger. Want to know more? 
Get in touch!

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Information courtesy of Michelle Sharr