Body Assessment
Happy New Year. You are more comfortable with Essential oils but how about Supplements??

When I first started, I was totally overwhelmed with the word “supplement.”

🌿 If you have ever wondered what to order?

 🌿 Where to start with our supplements?

 🌿 What your body needs?

HERE YOU GO.... we have a simple WELLNESS assessment you can use to support your mind/body! This is not a comprehensive list, it's a start. We love simplicity 😍😍😍

🌿 Young Living has MANY supplements and I've heard it can be overwhelming. this simple assessment will help you take your health into your own hands and start supporting the body systems you need to focus on!

❤️ Assess your Wellness Assessment here:

❤️ Then visit the Assessment Key here for suggestions to implement into your wellness routine:

This is a great workshop to reference back to for the body systems support as well 

If you do this and have questions about the supplements suggested, please feel free to contact me!

Robin Ramm


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