Self-Care is Not Selfish. It's Necessary!
3 Easy Steps to Start Getting Back to YOU

Forgetting to take care of ourselves comes as naturally as breathing — but it shouldn’t! We put being a wife, mama, friend, sister etc. over keeping ourselves well and it’s literally changing who we are, physically and mentally. If you want to find balance within yourself and get back to feeling like YOU, then you have to shake off the notion that self-care and investing in your wellness is wrong and/or too hard. Here’s 3 easy everyday things you can do to take care of YOU. Read on to the end to get a free recipe for my Love Yourself roller bottle — a must have for all of those moments where you need a little extra TLC!

Schedule Quiet Time
...that is non-negotiable.

If you’re into planners use your planner. If you use an app in your phone, use that app. However you have to do it to remind yourself every single day to get it done, DO IT! It’s so important to take time out of each day to just be with yourself. Wake up 15 minutes earlier to be in silence, enjoy your tea or coffee, or just practice deep breathing before all the crazy of your day begins. Take a walk around the block or your building while on your lunch break. These times alone can help you find the best ways to move forward in your life and also keep you grounded. Being outside can also help reduce stress and lower blood pressure. Studies have even shown that getting outside can help reduce fatigue, making it a great way to overcome symptoms of depression or burnout.Take a warm bath every day at the same time. Go in with your favorite wine, song, or notebook and think about all of the positive things that happened that day - all the compliments you got. No matter what you choose to do or how long make sure your family knows that this is your time and really take this time to focus on YOU!

Catch Some ZZZ'S
...I mean real sleep not those 2hrs before your alarm goes off zzz's.

We all know, we’ve heard it a million times, that our bodies recover when we are sleeping. So why on earth do we try to function off of little to no sleep? Not getting enough sleep can have major effects on our health both emotionally and physically. On the other hand stress and other distractions can mess with our sleep, this is why scheduling quiet time is huge. Create a sleep routine that includes things like; finding the best way to calm down and relax after a stressful day — one of my favorite ways is with calming oils, going to bed at the same time, making sure to turn off screens an hour before you want to go to bed, and even stretching or meditating before bed. Creating a routine and sticking to it tells your body that it’s time to go to sleep and you’ll have less struggles getting that “sleep like a baby” sleep when bedtime comes.

Switch Your Personal Care Products cleaner, plant-based, natural options.

There are tons of studies out there that show the effects that synthetic ingredients have on our bodies. A lot of the hygiene and personal care products that you are buying are full of ingredients that are disrupting your bodies natural balance and wreaking havoc on your bodies systems, especially your endocrine (hormones) system. Not only do we need to be aware of what we are putting in or body but also what we are putting on it! Switching out your products to ones that use all natural ingredients that support and not disrupt your bodies balance, is a great way to taking control of getting back to YOU and another great way to indulge in true self-care.

Love Yourself Roller Bottle Recipe
...a must have for all of those moments where you need a little extra TLC!

  • 3 Drops Stress Away
  • 2 Drops Frankincense 
  • 2 Drops Valor
  • 10ml Roller Bottle
  • Top off with carrier oil or V6

Roll on your wrists and the back of your neck when you feel like you need a little extra love or need some calm. Apply throughout the day if needed.

Remember when I mentioned switching out your personal care products?

I wouldn’t be doing right by you if I didn’t tell you that not all products labeled natural actually are. It would be nice to go to your favorite store, grab a new product to try that says natural, but that isn’t always the case. 

Don’t worry your girls got your back! I know a company that I trust — and they’ve got the calming oils I mentioned for your bedtime routine. Want to know more? Click the button now to get in touch!