Aroma Freedom with Vitality+Valor

Are you ready to FREE yourself from what is holding you back and RISE to your purpose?

You may:  

  • need something to keep the juices flowing, 

  • or need to stop the inner voices undermining your success, 

  • or you have doubts about making it all happen, 

  • or you don’t know why you aren’t feeling more pleasure in your life or business,

  • or you feel downright anxious or depressed because these times feel crazy!! 

For years I have been using essential oils and the Aroma Freedom Technique to help me with all of the above, and now I am guiding women through the process. 

The Aroma Freedom Technique is a process for identifying and releasing negative thoughts, feelings, and memories that interfere with reaching your goals and dreams. This process sets your energy in a direction of growth and expansion and paired with Young Living Essential Oils triggers permanent shifts in how you view yourself and the world. 

Just to give you a sense of how profoundly shifting this work is….

Our sense of smell is the first sense we develop in the womb. It connects us to safety, comfort, and joy. Smells actually affect our memories and emotions. So, to use this power of smell for emotional support, we use Young Living Essential Oils, which our cells love because they are so oxygenating and quickly impactful! 

When we inhale essential oils molecules, the scent molecules actually travel up into our brain. The olfactory bulb directly connects to the limbic portion of the brain. This highly-specialized portion of the brain is also home to the amygdala (responsible for our emotions and feelings) and the hippocampus (where our memories are stored). These brain centers perceive odors and simultaneously access memories and their associated feelings and emotions.

So this is why smells often trigger memories. It also explains how essential oils provide emotional support. Those tiny molecules are working inside your brain to unlock traumas, conflicts, and memories that may be causing emotional stress. Because our brains are so powerful, it’s possible to re-write memory (aka limiting belief) by creating a new neural pathway by repeatedly associating a smell with a certain feeling. 

I have two invitations for you... 

The Aroma Freedom Session Bundle

Two, 1-on-1 Aroma Freedom Technique Sessions to fully release negative thoughts, feelings, or memories, and Reset your brain to return to feelings of peace and wholeness, allowing you to gain clarity and momentum on your next steps. 

These sessions can be business focused, personal life focused, or both. Our Aroma Freedom sessions will be done over Zoom, and include a special blend of Young Living Essential Oils that will be shipped to you.

$97 for 2 sessions
 (50% savings)

Custom Essential Oil Consultation

Your needs, desires, and the smells you appreciate are unique, and so you should get what essential oils are really going to work for YOU. In this Customized Essential Oil Consultation we can talk about health challenges, beauty boosts, emotional support, or your champion essential oil blends to help you find the sweet spot in business and in life. 

Bonus: Along with the custom consultation you will get a $50 gift voucher to spend at Young Living Essential Oils on your customized recommendations.