The Oil Infused Crew

Do you feel overwhelmed with #allthethings?
Get my Guide: 4 tips for Coordinating Chaos 
and learn how you can take back your day in a more calm and effective way. I felt more in control with in a week of implementing these tips, I know you will too.

Do you feel overwhelmed with #allthethings?
Get my Guide: 4 tips for Coordinating Chaos 
and learn how you can take back your day in a more calm and effective way. I felt more in control with in a week of implementing these tips, I know you will too.
Grab it here!

A Little About Me!

I'm a driven girl who wants to live life to its fullest but for years I felt like I was stuck in this vicious cycle of exhaustion leaving me feeling worthless. As an 8 on the enneagram, that is my biggest fear. I had all these big dreams but I could only find enough energy to get through the day, I had brain fog, severe respiratory and digestive issues, and this feeling of anger inside because I didn't feel good enough or have the extra energy to do the things I really enjoy.

One day I was introduced to a product that people are talking a lot about these days. 

To be honest, I didn't think it would work but out of desperation to just feel better I decided to give it a shot, I'm not really into "fads." Before I tried it I really did my research to decide which company I could trust. 

Now my life is dramatically different, I used to have to talk myself into going and doing extra things and I would put on a front that everything was perfect so that I would appear successful.

Now I'm back to being myself and even better than I've ever felt before. And, I'm on a mission to help a whole lot of people break free and empower themselves with the knowledge and resources I've worked so hard to get myself.

Come join our group of fearless mamas and learn how you can find freedom with the knowledge and information we share in our exclusive community.

Ready to learn more? Contact me!

Contact Me