For those seeking truth - Essential fatty acid supplementation is associated with
a reduced risk of death. Drinking green tea and endurance training help with
inflammation and metabolism. Silymarin supports liver health and can help with
cancer prevention. Avocado supports proper cognition. Good bacteria in your
gut can help the body with cancer. Intermittent fasting changes liver enzymes
and helps prevent disease. Vitamin B1 supports bone health. Increasing nitric
oxide can improve the cardiovascular system. Ginseng can help to regulate
the immune system. Sesame oil can help in reducing pain. Resveratrol can
help with diabetes. Consuming olive oil can help with aging more healthfully
and helps to reduce inflammation. Mold spores are everywhere and cause
many health problems. Diffusing Thieves and Purification oil blends are
wonderful at helping to overcome mold as well as cleaning with Thieves
Household Cleaner. Most other things used to eliminate mold are toxic
whereas Thieves and Purification are totally safe and very effective. With
Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend of Awaken which
is very powerful because it is a blend of five blends. Gary Young created
Awaken to help people to awaken to their highest potential and move people
into higher levels of learning and development. It is to help awaken inner
desire and passion. The properties are calming, help to balance emotions,
support the immune system, are antioxidative, help the body to handle
allergies, support the cardiovascular system, support digestion, help to
inhibit disease, protect the organs, help to reduce discomfort and swelling,
and support skin and hair health. The blends in Awaken are Joy, Forgiveness,
Present Time, Dream Catcher, and Harmony. Endless possibilities for good
in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use
to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I am becoming mentally
stronger every day." Having a personal relationship with Jesus is a game
changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth
from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -


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