For those seeking truth - Vitamin D can help protect against cancer. Happiness might protect
you from gastrointestinal distress. Emotions affect every aspect of your physical well-being.
Antioxidants in the brain are linked to improved psychosis treatment. Barley lowers not one
but two types of 'bad cholesterol'. Vitamin D, berberine, curcumin, and green tea can help
with uterine fibroids. Drinking unsweetened fruit juice in early years can have long term
dietary benefits. A plant based diet can help with the symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver
disease. There is an association between greater carotenoid intake and a lower risk of
hypertension.There is neuron protection from consuming bacopa, lycopene, astaxanthin,
and vitamin B12. Flame retardant chemicals can cause birth defects. Blueberries help to
increase the absorption of calcium. Beet root can help to prevent hypertension. With
Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend of EndoFlex. This is a very
powerful blend that supports the endocrine system which is where hormones come from.
Hormones control most everything in the body. The properties help the body handle
inflammation, support the immune system, are antioxidative, calming, support the digestive
system, help to reduce nausea, balance hormones, and are uplifting. The essential oils in
this blend are spearmint, sage, geranium, myrtle, German chamomile, and nutmeg. Endless
possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body
to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "I believe everything is unfolding as it
is meant to be." Releasing negative emotions daily by inhaling essential oils like Transformation,
Release, Frankincense, and Joy is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path
for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -


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