For those seeking truth - Chromium is important in controlling glucose levels in the blood. Probiotics,
alpha lipoic acid, and essential fatty acids can help the body to control inflammation. Consumption of
much of the highly processed foods, fast food, and sugar can negatively affect mood and increase
aggression. Depression and anxiety can increase the risk of heart problems. Zinc supports brain
health and cognition. Higher magnesium levels are associated with a lower risk of cognitive impairment.
Vitamin C supports muscle health. Vitamin D and selenium are important in fighting viruses.
CoenzymeQ10 can help to prevent heart failure. Dark chocolate can help to protect against type 2
diabetes. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Inner Child. It helps you to
reconnect with your inner self which is one of the first steps to achieving emotional balance. The
properties support the immune system, support you emotionally, are calming, inhibit disease, help
to relax the muscles, support bone and joint health, and help to reduce discomfort and swelling.
The essential oils in this blend are tangerine, ylang ylang, Royal Hawaiian sandalwood, jasmine,
lemongrass, black spruce, and neroli. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop.
Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation:
"I conquer anxious feelings with action." Rather than focusing on "retiring" focus on finding a purpose
that excites you and that you can pursue each and every day of your life and that will be a game
changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home. Our program