For those seeking truth - To balance hormones stop eating anything that is acidic or pro-inflammatory,
sugar, animal products, and go on a healthy plant based diet. Blueberries protect the brain, can turn
off excessive inflammation, and support nerve health. Ginger supports brain health and help to prevent
sugar, animal products, and go on a healthy plant based diet. Blueberries protect the brain, can turn
off excessive inflammation, and support nerve health. Ginger supports brain health and help to prevent
alzheimers, supports the immune system and can help with autoimmune problems. Essential fatty acids
can help with recovering from a stroke. Moderate physical activity can help to lengthen your telomeres
which is linked to a longer life. The more good bacteria you have in your gut the less depression.
Coenzyme Q10 is very important for heart health and if you are deficient you are at greater risk of dying.
PQQ supports liver health. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Thieves. It
is truly an amazing blend of antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-infectious essential
oils. You definitely want to have this blend on hand. The properties also help the body handle
inflammation, are antioxidative, are calming, support cardiovascular health, inhibit disease, help to relax
muscles, support bone and joint health, are organ protective, support respiratory health, help to purify
the air, support oral health, and support circulation. The essential oils in this blend are clove, lemon,
cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary. Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop.
Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation: "Money
flows to me from all directions." Focusing on life being God's gift to you and what you do with your life
being your gift to God is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and
wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -