For those seeking truth - Curcumin supports bone health. Dark chocolate can boost your memory.
Chronic stress can lead to heart problems. Leafy green vegetables support the good bacteria in the
gut. Essential fatty acids support gum health. Just one bad high fat meal damages metabolism.
Cucumbers protect the brain from inflammation and can improve memory. Fisetin helps to get rid
of dead and damaged cells. Ashwagandha can be used to improve sleep quality and relieve stress.
Vitamin B6 helps to protect against cardiovascular disease. High consumption of high fructose corn
syrup can damage the immune system. Mulberry and ginger can help with metabolic syndrome. With
Young Living we are blessed to have Allerzyme. It is a vegetarian enzyme formula that helps to
digest mucus, bacteria, and fungi that have accumulated. It has enzymes, botanicals, and essential
oils that support proper digestion, waste elimination, and nutrient utilization. Allerzyme is formulated
to combat allergies, gas, fermentation, fatigue, and IBS. Endless possibilities for good in each and
every capsule. Today's Affirmation: "I am creating incredible wealth." Getting out in the sun for about
30 minutes a day without sunscreen is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path
for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,