For those seeking truth - Certain essential oils like lavender, rosemary, ylang ylang, and black
pepper have a compound that promotes wound healing. Vitamin A supports nerve health. Selenium
helps you to live a longer life. Sugar negatively affects memory. Cruciferous vegetables can help
to protect against neurological problems. Curcumin supports lung health. Turmeric can help with
weight loss, brain health, cancer prevention, and supports joint health. Depression increases the
aging of cells. Citrus fruit can help to reduce the risk of stroke. Higher levels of glutathione are
associated with decreased risk of alzheimers. With Young Living we are blessed to have
Digest & Cleanse. This is a supplement with essential oils that are especially helpful for soothing
the bowel, preventing gas, aiding in digestion and absorption, and stimulating the liver, gallbladder,
and stomach secretions. Endless possibilities for good in each and every capsule. Today's
Affirmation: "My confidence gets me through tough days." Becoming immersed in the truth in all
areas and taking action based on that truth is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a
better path for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger,