For those seeking truth - Lycopene supports stomach health. Sugar negatively impacts muscle 
health. Pycnogenol can help with pain. Quercetin helps to control excessive inflammation. Maple 
syrup helps to protect neurons. Antioxidants support cognition. Mushrooms support the immune 
system. Alpha lipoic acid helps in suppressing excessive inflammation. Creatine and HMB help 
to improve muscle mass. Tea supports bone health. A lack of vitamin D can impact muscle 
function. There is a link between red meat and heart disease. Vitamin D and probiotics can be 
very helpful against viruses. Chronic stress may inhibit the body's cancer-fighting ability. With 
Young Living we are blessed to have EndoGize. The endocrine system is responsible for most 
that goes on in the body because hormones control most all that goes on in the body. EndoGize 
helps to keep the endocrine system in balance. Endless possibilities for good in each and every 
capsule. Today's Affirmation: "I am ready to receive abundance in all areas of my life." You and 
only you have the key to remove your shackles. Whatever "addiction" you have chosen, 
choose to see that you don't need it, you don't want it, that it does not serve you for good, and 
that forevermore you are free. Doing this is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a 
better path for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, 
younger, wealthier -


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