For those seeking truth - Vitamin D supports heart health. Smoking marijuana impairs vision. 
Probiotics support bone health. Cruciferous vegetables support kidney health. Capsaicin 
helps with cancer prevention and lung health. Curcumin supports the health of the intestinal 
tract. Soda consumption is linked to accelerated aging and increased mortality risk. NAC 
supports mental health. Simply inhaling orange essential oil can help alleviate post traumatic 
stress disorder. Exercise can help prevent many types of lung problems. Betaine is important 
for mental health and the health of neurons. Avocado can help with prevention of leukemia. 
With Young Living we are blessed to have Essentialzyme-4. It is designed to digest fats, 
proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates. The dual time-release technology releases the enzymes 
at separate times in the digestive tract for optimal absorption of nutrients and amino acids. 
Endless possibilities for good in each and every capsule. Today's Affirmation: "I feel calm, 
confident, and powerful." Rather than focusing on "retiring" focus on finding a purpose that 
excites you and that you can pursue each and every day of your life and that will be a game 
changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home. Our 
program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -


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