Meet Christene

Hey There!

I am so glad you have found me!

I'm Christene and I am the founder of Body Mind Magic Australia, and today I am blessed to be in a position where I can help others create their own holistic wellness through understanding and supporting their emotional health.

I'm on a mission to educate and support mums in their journey by empowering them to make self care a priority despite the daily challenges that "mum life" throws their way!

If that sounds like you, please keep reading!
What does self-care look like for you?
For me, this looks like taking time for me, walks with my dog, pouring time into making soap, crafting, gardening, spending time with friends, and living well naturally.

It took some doing to get here though, and the road wasn't always easy...
Who cares for the carers' if the carers' don't self-care?
For me this is the age-old question, and when it comes down to it, if carers (mums) don't take the time to look after themselves then the self-care doesn't happen. 

It is easy to get caught up in the day to day demands of parental, household, partner and financial responsibilities. But as I have experienced, it all catches up with you eventually.  I was in survival mode for years, doing my thing and making sure the family was well looked after, never thinking that cracks would start to appear with my chronic self-neglect!

Needless to say over nearly 20 years of being a parent, I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way!
The most important lesson I learned is that regardless of what I wanted to accomplish, it all hinged on my own self-care.

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”
— Maya Angelou
Ever since high school home economics and biology class, I have had an interest in health.  This interest has lead me on an amazing journey toward being a lifelong learner in this area. Unfortunately the 'nurturer" in me has been all about applying this knowledge to others, but this time it was about me.......

In 2017, I had the opportunity to learn and apply Psychosomatic Therapy and Reiki principles to my situation, which gave me a deeper understanding of what I needed to do to help put myself back together, focus on my well-being and build my capacity to be the parent and support my teenagers during this challenging time of their lives.

I now understand and honour that in order to be the best parent you can be, you need to take care of yourself too! What an amazing gift to pass onto your children, demonstrating to them, that it is okay to regularly take some time out from the world to re-charge the batteries and not feel guilty for it.

This has led me, to become a Psychosomatic Therapy Practitioner and Reiki Master – educating and supporting mum's to embrace the importance of emotional wellness and self-care for better health & wellbeing to enjoy life to its fullest.

How can I help you?

With 20 years of parenting experience and 5+ years working in the holistic wellness space, I can....

*  Help you understand your needs on a deeper level.
*  Guide and support you too implement personalised strategies for better self-care.
*  Help you understand your child/teenager on a deeper level.
*  Guide and support to implement strategies to support the wellbeing of the family unit.

My vision for you is that you give yourself the care and nurturing you need,
to rebuild your capacity and be the best parent you can be.
All you need to start the journey is the courage to take the first step! 

Click the button below to schedule your complimentary 30-minute Consultation for how I can best support you!

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Learn More From Body Mind Magic
Join my free community Balanced and Supportive Mums with Challenging Teenagers, where you'll find other mums looking for support and guidance for self-care to be the best parent you can be.

My Blog shares a wide range of information in relation to holistic health and wellbeing as well as parental experiences, strategies and information to support with the most important job in the world - parenting!

Twice monthly, I host live classes via zoom.  Classes provide an interactive platform to share experiences, ask questions followed by a specific topic of information. Join me and our featured speakers so we can guide and support you to build your capacity with self-care!


Copyright Body Mind Magic Australia