Legacy Coaching Tracks

Hey there — I’m Dawn Baggett,  

I want to congratulate you on considering coaching as an option to get the personal support you want at what might be a pivotal time of your life.  Importantly, support is one of the four pillars in my 4-Step Success Framework used in my coaching programs.

Life coaching is an extensive and growing field and can be a great option for helping you to move forward in your life.

Choose your preferred option below because we all know a personalized plan of action is best.

Oil and perfume make the heart glad, 

and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.   

Proverbs 27:9


Wellness Planning Track

Have you put yourself and your wellness last so often for so long that it's catching up with you? 

Whether just you personally or the whole household, you don't have to wait to set your wellness goals, create a do-able plan and take action!
Get started today.

Apply for Wellness Coaching

Legacy Building Track

Heading into a new season or situation in life? 

Or perhaps you're already there and want to make the most of it. Adding new children, new job, new home, or saying goodbye to someone close, previous roles or as children grow up and move away . . . these and others can all knock us off our footing. 
Pause, take a breath, then get bearings to move ahead with purpose and apply for coaching.

Adoptive/Special Needs Parents



Planning Track for Adoptive/Special Needs


You can't afford to waste time, but there's no quick and easy fix either.  You need a real workable plan for the immediate future. 
Get started today when you apply for parent coaching.


Planning Track for Adoptive/Special Needs

Some children will need extra levels of care and support as they transition into adult-hood and perhaps beyond.  You can't necessarily predict what the future will hold but you can make a plan that can help you feel more confident about the steps you can take. Start by applying for parent coaching with Dawn.

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