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#2 will even help you simplify the process! 

Meet GinnyHoo | Ginny Thompson

My name is Ginny, and I'm a former history professor turned homeschooling momma who learned the value of questioning everything at a young age. 

I am passionate about helping mothers gain confidence in making the best educational, wellness, and personal decisions for their families. 

Too often, mommas are shamed for asking questions when they simply want to be armed with as much information as possible to make positive choices for their loved ones. Their intuition is leading them one way while the peanut gallery is loudly shouting they must follow another path. 

Finding the strength and tools to follow that instinct gave me such a sense of empowerment.  I would love to stand with you and support you in your journey to find freedom for your family.  Let's work together to thrive on the things that matter. 

Are you ready?



Copyright Ginny Thompson