What You Want to Know About The Raindrop Technique

What You Want to Know About The Raindrop Technique

The Raindrop technique is a powerful, non-invasive tool for assisting the body in correcting defects in the curvature of the spine and feet. This technique has been proven to resolve, alleviate and address many conditions and ailments.

The Raindrop Technique originated in the 1980s from the research of Dr. Gary Young.
Dr. Young developed this method after working with a Lakota medicine man named, Wallace Black Elk. This healing technique has been proven to bring the body back into structural and electrical alignment .

The RDT also utilizes a sequence of essential oils that are immune enhancing and supportive to the body's natural defenses, as well as supporting the body's 12 systems which include: circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, skeletal, muscular and lymphatic systems. Essential oils are known to boost stamina and energy, help you relax, manage stress and frustration, while promoting your overall health, vitality, and longevity.

The therapeutic (highest quality) oils are:
  • Antiseptic and Immune system enhancing.
  • High in antioxidants.
  • Highly oxygenating. Meaning the oxygen molecules they contain help transport nutrients to starving human cells. Because a nutritional deficiency is an oxygen deficiency, disease begins when cells lack sufficient oxygen for proper nutrient assimilation.
  • Lipid soluble. They’re capable of penetrating cell walls, even if they have hardened because of an oxygen deficiency. In fact, essential oils can affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes and are then metabolized like other nutrients.
  • Have a bio-electrical frequency that is several times greater than the frequency of herbs, food, and even the human body. Clinical research has shown that essential oils can quickly raise the frequency of the human body, restoring it to its normal, healthy level.
(I know, Whoa!)

What should I expect in a session?

Well, for starters this technique is very relaxing and therapeutic, and involves applying therapeutic grade essential oils to the spine, and/or feet.
The sessions are approximately 1 hour however, the benefits may last up to a week or more.

The three modalities that combine to form Raindrop Technique are:
  • Aromatherapy – Raindrop technique uses seven single essential oils, two blends and one essential oil massage blend during the session.

  • Vita Flex Technique – Vita Flex was brought to the US in the 1920s by Stanley Burroughs. It is an ancient Tibetan healing methodology meaning "vitality through the reflexes". Its theory is based on the fact that slight pressure applied to the body creates an electric charge that is therapeutic to the body. This is known as piezoelectric.

  • Feather Stroking - This is similar to a massage term technique called effleurage. But this technique was actually termed by the Native American Indians.

If you would like to know some of the things Raindrop can help with send me a message