Keto Egg Fast

Keto Egg Fast
I have been following the Keto eating plan to some degree since 2018.  I found after my weight loss surgery that it was the easiest way for me to keep my eating under control.  I realized pretty quick that this eating plan worked for me in so many ways!!! 

  • Decrease in appetite
  • Increase in energy
  • Losing weight, and being able to keep it off
  • Completing a marathon without carb loading
In April of 2020 I got sick with Covid...body aches, fatigue, fever.  Unfortunately, the fatigue didn't leave for over 10 months.  I had just ran my first marathon in March 2020, but by June I couldn't even walk to the end of my street!

I found myself slipping into a deep depression!  My active lifestyle that I had come to enjoy...gone.  It was no longer easy to follow any healthy eating plan because the more depressed I got, the more I wanted to eat.

So, during this time I gained 25 of the 87 pounds that lost back...just like that!  Poof!  It sure was a lot harder to get off then it was to put back on LOL!!!

March of 2021 brought a new look on life.  A new motivation to get my life back together!  Some of the things I implemented:

  • Drinking a gallon of water everyday
  • I started going to bed early and getting a good night's sleep (my favorite sleep aide)
  • Joined a local women's kickboxing class
  • Got my yoga teacher certification
  • Started Zumba
  • Implemented intermittent fasting (great resources here)
  • Tracked my food--strict keto
  • Implemented neutraceuticals into my daily supplements 
I am happy to report that I have now lost 30 pounds since March!  And here is where the Keto Egg Fast comes in to the story!!

I came across the Keto Egg Fast researching how to break through a plateau on the Keto diet.  Here's the basics of how it works:
  • Eat at least 6 whole eggs per day
  • Eat 1 Tbsp fat for every egg
  • Eat up to 1 Tbsp full-fat cheese for every egg
  • Use highest quality eggs, fat & cheese
  • Eat a whole egg within 30 minutes of waking up
  • Eat egg fast meals every 3-5 hours (stop 3 hours before bed)
  • Use seasonings/spice, with limits
  • Use keto sweeteners, with limits.  Avoid sugar alcohols
  • Enjoy zero-carb drinks like coffe and tea
Examples of my meals that I ate on my Keto egg fast:
  • Boiled eggs
  • Egg salad
  • Chaffles
  • Egg drop soup