Emotion Code & Body Code 

The keys to The Body Code lie in two important concepts:
MUSCLE TESTING We believe the subconscious mind exerts an unseen yet profound influence over how we behave and feel — and it’s also keenly aware of exactly what your body needs to get well. To access these vast stores of knowledge, it’s our belief that we need to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious. This is where muscle testing comes in.

ENERGY MEDICINE The body is made up of pure energy. Every organ, tissue, and cell is made up of energy, and so are the non-physical aspects of yourself.  Thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions — are also made up of energy. When viewed from this standpoint, you can see how important energetic balance is to your overall health, and just how easy it really is to effect change.

6 Energy Healing Benefits of The Body Code:
  • Emotional Wellness - Achieve energetic balance when you remove Trapped Emotions, internalized trauma, and more.
  • Body System Balance - Achieve physical balance by identifying issues in organs, glands, muscles, body systems & how they connect.
  • Toxin Resolution - Identify heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation & other toxins that may be throwing off your body’s balance.
  • Pathogen Resolution - Identify fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, or parasitic invaders that may wreak havoc on your body from the inside out.
  • Structural Balance - Support the proper function of bones, nerves, connective tissues, and alignment.
  • Nutrition & Lifestyle - Find herbs and nutrients, exercise and lifestyle habits your body is asking for.
Session Options: 

Emotion Code/Body Code Session : $45


3 Emotion Code/Body Code Session: $130 

6 Emotion Code/Body Code Session: $250

Comprehensive Issue Clearing: $800 

Comprehensive issue clearing helps you identify all of your issues so you can clear anything and everything. 

This package is for 20 session - It is best if they are done weekly. We first identify complaints in the following categories: Emotional and behavioral issues, self care and balance, career and money, relationships, parenting and physical health. 

We then compile a master list. At each session we identify which issue the subconscious wants to work on. We continue going down the list until we have completed all 20 session. 

Disclosure - we will go down the list of issues, depending on what comes up all of the issues may not be released in the 20 session. Additional sessions may be needed. 

*Sessions are via proxy either on  Zoom, in - person (Woodward, Iowa) or via Phone 
**All Sales are Final 
***packages have an expiration date, please have all sessions scheduled before the expirations date. 

Are you ready to change your life?