Welcome to Michelle Wendt's Exclusive Resource Center. .
You will find the links to Testimonials, On-Demand classes, Study group sessions, Special Events, Trainings, Certification programs and other videos, research, resources and information that have been specially created to educate, empower, motivate, support, encourage while bringing joy and laughter.
** Reminder, the MEMBERS ONLY resources are for your personal use only. Please plant the seeds by walking in integrity so you may harvest integrity in all aspects of your life abundantly. It is created especially for you and a privilege of being who you are and connecting your journey with us.
If you want to share, please go to Michelle's StandingTheGap.com Bonus Resources and Shopping area and share from there or better yet, send your prospects there to look around.
If there is a resource you would like to have added to the Public Resource Area then please let the admins know so we can do our best to support you in your mission of caring and sharing. You may also contact Michelle Wendt to help you host a session for your people.
Thank you blessings!.