I want to shatter some myths that society has put on us…that we have to look a certain way to be beautiful. That we have to weigh a certain weight, that our make-up has to be done a certain way, the clothes we wear have to be from a certain store, we need to have nice things to be considered stylish or trending! That we have to have that perfect Gucci or whatever the new purse is these days! Well, I believe the bible where it says that we were all created in God’s image. We as a people have not taken care of what God has given us…we eat too much, we wear too much make up, we spend way too much money on things that are not necessary and the list goes on. Having things will not get us closer to God, instead they will only lead to rely on those things for happiness. As I grow older and wiser, I am reminded of my younger self where I struggled to make ends meet. As a single mom with 3 littles ages 3, 5 & 7, I learned that I could lean on God to see me through. Through this time, I went through a time of not feeling good about myself…hopeless, stressed on how I was going to take care of my babies & not knowing what my future would be. Newly divorced I felt I had failed in so many ways…I had moments where I questioned God and even turned from Him for a time, doing my own thing and trying to figure out my life by myself. Not a good decision on my part. He had to draw me back to Him & I’m so thankful that He pursued me! He was always there; it was me that turned from Him and made myself feel bad about me. With Him there is freedom from this world and all its “standards”, “ways” & “trends”. In my story He has made beauty from ashes….
Do you feel unlovable sometimes? I have been there my friends, but know that God, the creator of all things loves you! After all you are his beloved creation, and He loves you with an everlasting love!
Psalm 139:14
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.”