Happy, Healthy, Healing Home with Jaime and Sacha

Hello Friends! 

Sacha and I would love to invite you to our morning get-together to talk about essential oils, toxin-free makeup, how to feel energized and vibrant, and how to keep our families healthy, by creating a happy, healing home!

Maybe you have pulled Jaime aside after school pick up time to learn more about how to use essential oils to keep your kids healthy, or maybe we just thought you'd like to join our party, either way, we'd love to have you join us! 

We will have yummy paleo pastries and fruit, coffee, enlivening drinks, and all the oils you can possibly sniff in one sitting! Plus, since we love to give away fun stuff, I am sure you will go home with goodies! 

WHEN: April 27th, 9:00am
WHERE: Sacha's house at 474 Johnson St, Sebastopol 
CONTACT:  Jaime at (707) 318-2179  or jaimejeanklocek@gmail.com

Since we will be preparing supplies, please only RSVP "YES" if you can truly make it. A "Maybe" is just fine if you are feeling non-committal. IF the date doesn't work for you but you'd REALLY like to learn more about what we are sharing, let us know. We can meet up for a coffee date or after school playtime. 

Bring a friend! The more the merrier so if you have a friend who could really benefit from vitality in a simple way, bring them along! 
