Awareness is the Key to Empowerment
Just like disease doesn't appear over night, its also not going to go away within a week of trying a new diet or supplement.

Most times these things come on slowly and then we ignore the signals our body sends us until they are impacting our daily life, by this point our symptoms are intense, and we finally go see what's going on. The problem I have run into, no matter how many Dr's I go to is that Dr.s aren't trained to find the root cause & teach you how to fix it. The medical system trains them to write a prescription, cover up the pain or symptom and send you on your way. I've been there, I get it, since about 8th grade I've been struggling with this and I just know in my gut there has to be a better way, a holistic way. I don't want a bandaid anymore. I don't want to put even more man made, synthetic things  through my liver. I'm grateful for western medicine because it does have its place BUT there is a way to heal and not just treat the symptoms. God provided us with the food and plants on earth for the specific purpose of healthy humans. We have gotten ourselves into some bad habits, through no fault of our own, its just what we learned in our society. We have to take responsibility over what we put into our bodies, be intentional and consistent. Its so easy to go through the day and not eat 1 single fruit or vegetable, or only drink coffee, soda, or an adult beverage without taking a single sip of the one thing that makes up 70% of our body...water.

Its so easy in todays world to completely neglect the one body we have to live in. The food we have access to and are accustomed to eating just don't have the nutrients we need to fuel our bodies. Even fruits and vegetables are grown in depleted soil with chemicals, which is why you should always wash off the excess residue before consuming. The intense flavors of sweets and junky snacks have been chemically enhanced so we crave them and then makes the healthy stuff taste bland. 

Anyway, our bodies can't possibly filter out all the things that we are exposed to in our environment, the food we eat, AND the products we use on our bodies and in our homes. Eventually it bioaccumulates and gets stored in fatty tissues, or causes the symptoms you are feeling right now. These symptoms are our body alerting us that is struggling.

We have lost the mind-body-soul connection and it is showing. Consumers feel that they should be able to trust the companies making our food, personal care and household supplies. You guys, you can't, people will push the limits as far as possible when it comes to making their product successful. Do you think they really care or have researched the side effects of these ingredients? I was appalled with our government standards when I started learning this stuff. The EU has banned over 1300 ingredients while the US has banned 11. 

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