Creating A Posting Calendar Outline

Creating A Posting Calendar Outline

1. Define Your Posting Frequency:
  • Decide how often you'll publish how-to blog posts.
  • Consistency is key for building an engaged audience.
2. Create a Content Calendar:
  • Plan and schedule your blog posts in advance.
  • Organize topics and titles to ensure a diverse range of content.
3. Mix It Up:
  • Balance your how-to posts with other types of content, such as lists, opinion pieces, or interviews.
  • Keep your blog fresh and interesting.
4. Consider Seasonal Trends:
  • Align your content with holidays, seasons, or industry trends.
  • Stay relevant and capture seasonal interest.
5. Promote Across Channels:
  • Share your blog posts on social media, email newsletters, and other platforms.
  • Extend the reach of your content.

Crafting Catchy Blog Titles

Crafting Catchy Blog Titles

1.  Promise a Solution:
  • Use action verbs to indicate the post's purpose.
  • Create curiosity by hinting at the benefits readers will gain.
2. Keep It Short and Sweet:
  • Aim for a title under 70 characters for search engine visibility.
  • Make it easy to remember and share.
3. Use Keywords:
  • Include relevant keywords to improve SEO.
  • Ensure the keywords are naturally integrated into the title.
4. A/B Testing:
  • Experiment with different titles to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Analyze data to determine the most effective title.

Designing the Perfect How-to Blog Post

Designing the Perfect How-to Blog Post

  1. Identify Your Audience:
    • Know your target audience's needs and problems.
    • Tailor your content to address their specific concerns.
  2. Choose a Specific Topic:
    • Focus on a single topic or task to keep your post concise.
    • Avoid overwhelming readers with too much information.
  3. Provide Clear and Detailed Instructions:
    • Use a step-by-step approach.
    • Include visuals, videos, or infographics to enhance clarity.
  4. Use Personal Experience:
    • Share personal anecdotes or experiences to connect with readers.
    • Demonstrates authenticity and authority.
  5. Offer Solutions:
    • Explain why the problem exists and how your solution helps.
    • Emphasize the benefits of your solution.
  6. Break Down Complex Concepts:
    • Simplify complex processes.
    • Use analogies and metaphors to aid understanding.
  7. Encourage Engagement:
    • Invite comments and questions.
    • Be responsive to reader inquiries.
  8. Edit and Proofread:
    • Ensure your post is free from grammatical and spelling errors.
    • Maintain a professional and credible tone.

FREE Social Media Calendar

FREE Social Media Calendar
Do you ever wonder what on earth to post on social media? 
"They" say: be consistent, but you don't know where to start...?
"They" say: be yourself, but that feels soooo awkward sometimes!

Guess what? "They" are right on!! It's okay if you don't know how to do it all, I'm here to help!

I've struggled with showing up and figuring out what to share. Having a plan has helped me make progress in both areas and there is a month's worth of posts in a handy calendar for you at the end of this post! 

Also included with the calendar is a PDF with why I chose the various prompts. Knowing the reason behind a plan gives me so much more scope for creativity and imagination, and I hope it does the same for you! 
The prompts are meant to spark your own ideas while also giving you something to fall back on when needed.

In future posts, we'll be chatting about more ways to find the inspiration that resonates with you, your brand, and the ways you want to serve the people around you, so get ready for some fun! (And some real talk)

Here's a freebie for you!
Click this link to download the calendar to your computer or save it to your phone or tablet!