For those seeking truth - Women who have a poor diet during pregnancy can negatively impact the
developing fetus and can be linked to mental health problems later for the child. Vitamin E helps to
turn off oxidative stress in the body. Mangos support heart health, support the immune system,
support digestive health, can help with cancer prevention, and can help prevent diabetes. Chromium
supports blood sugar control. Honey supports respiratory health. Magnesium supplementation help
to improve levels of vitamin D. Carotenoids in plants support nerve health. Citrus fruit can help
prevent heart disease, liver disease, and diabetes. Curcumin can help with metabolic syndrome.
After eating organic for just seven days this can greatly reduce the amount of toxins in the body.
A lack of vitamin D are linked to acting out by teenagers. Higher levels of vitamin C are associated
with a lower risk of dying. With Young Living we are blessed to have the essential oil blend Humility.
This blend helps to instill a healthy sense of humility. The properties support the immune system,
help the body handle inflammation, are antioxidative, are emotionally supportive, are uplifting and
calming, inhibit disease, are organ protective, help with discomfort and reducing swelling, and are
performance enhancing. The essential oils in this blend are coriander, ylang ylang, bergamot,
geranium, melissa, frankincense, myrrh, Northern lights black spruce, vetiver, neroli, and rose.
Endless possibilities for good in each and every drop. Essential oils are fantastic tools for the body
to use to come back to wellness. Today's Affirmation:  "I trust my intuition." You and only you have
the key to remove your shackles. Whatever "addiction" you have chosen, choose to see that you
don't need it, you don't want it, that it does not serve you for good, and that forevermore you are
free and this will be a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness
and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,
wealthier -


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