For those seeking truth - NAD repairs damage to the DNA, boosts the immune system, and can
help to slow down aging. Intermittent fasting can extend your life. Fiber supports lung health.
Maple syrup can help fight against cancer. Sage supports brain health. Rosemary essential oil
can help protect against the damage from electromagnetic frequencies. Resveratrol helps to
protect the brain and helps with cognitive impairment. Peony root extract can help to balance
the immune system. People and other living things – including animals, birds and insects -
exposed to 5G become sickened with neurological, neuropsychiatric, neurodegenerative,
infectious, cardiovascular, immunotoxic, DNA-damaging, and carcinogenic disorders. With
Young Living we are blessed to have AgilEase. This fantastic supplement promotes joint
flexibility and mobility and supports cartilage health. It has many plant based ingredients
and essential oils to help you to be able to stay active without discomfort. Endless possibilities
for good in each and every capsule. Today's Affirmation: "I am open to new solutions." Getting
a good nights sleep by diffusing essential oils where you sleep like Peace & Calming or
lavender is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth
from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -