For those seeking truth - Curcumin supports kidney health. Mushrooms support heart health.
There is a link between gut bacteria and neurodegenerative conditions. Saffron can help you
get a better nights sleep. Grapeseed extract can help to get rid of dead and damaged cells.
Essential fatty acids support kidney health. If the lining of the intestinal tract gets leaky then
you are susceptible to many health problems. The typical diet in America negatively impacts
the immune system. Essential fatty acids can help reduce aggressive behavior. Red grapes
and oranges can help with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Probiotics
can help to reduce respiratory problems. With Young Living we are blessed to have Green
Omega 3. For a plant sourced product It contains one of the highest amounts of DHA and
EPA from marine algae. It also includes flaxseed oil for ALA, vitamin E, and clove essential
oil for its antioxidant properties. Essential fatty acids are critical for good health in so many
ways. Endless possibilities for good in each and every capsule. Today's Affirmation: "I deserve
the very best in every aspect of my life." There are many good reasons why in the Bible
plants and essential oils are mentioned so often for healing and why the wise men gave
essential oils to baby Jesus. "Revelation 22:2...On each side of the river grew a tree of life,
bearing twelve crops of fruit...The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations." Using
plants and essential oils daily is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path
for wellness and wealth from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger,