For those seeking truth - Tea drinking slashes the risk of cognitive decline and alzheimer's. Eating 
processed meat could increase the risk of dementia. Too much bad bacteria in the gut is connected 
to alzheimer-like behavior. Quercetin supports brain health and cognition. Lion’s mane mushrooms 
help reduce depression and anxiety. Glucosamine supports joint and heart health. Cistanche can 
help fight cancer. Antioxidants may delay aging and its diseases. Eating white bread and bagels 
can increase the risk of lung cancer. TBHQ is a preservative used in many processed foods and 
it may harm the immune system. With Young Living we are blessed to have Daily Prebiotic Fiber. 
This is a delicious plant-based prebiotic fiber. It helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome as well 
as cardiovascular and immune system health. It is a fast way to support the digestive system. 
Just put a scoop in water or juice. Endless possibilities for good in each and every scoop. Today's 
Affirmation: "I release all that doesn't serve me, to make room for what I desire now." Being honest 
with yourself is a game changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth 
from home. Our program helps people to be better, stronger, younger, wealthier -


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