For those seeking truth - Essential fatty acids help to protect against damage from stress. Garlic
and onions help to prevent hypertension and diabetes. Living near pesticide-treated farms raises
the risk of brain tumors. Vitamin A can kill cancer stem cells. Exercise has a positive impact on
preventing cancer. Ashwagandha extract may improve memory and cognitive functions. Eating
more mushrooms is associated with a lower risk of cancer. Probiotics help maintain proper iron
levels. Grape seed extract helps with excess inflammation. Simply moving your body, like when
you exercise, can improve mental health. With Young Living we are blessed to have Essentialzyme.
The enzymes in this product are specific for digesting toxins. The essential oils, herbs, and
pancreatic- and plant-derived enzymes also support overall digestion, improve intestinal flora,
and help retard the aging process. It has dual time-released technology that enhances its
effectiveness during digestion. Endless possibilities for good in each and every tablet. Today's
Affirmation: "Every challenge that happens gets me one step closer to my goals." Being
responsible for your actions which is linked to freedom, being accountable for what you say
and do, looking for opportunity rather than handouts which will only enslave you are a game
changer for wellness. Get started on a better path for wellness and wealth from home. Our