ready to dream again


It turns out that dreams aren't just for children. I had the notion that I was fulfilling my destiny by going to college, choosing a profession that I was passionate about, making a career out of it, getting married and having a family. That sounds like a pretty good path don't ya think? But there was still something missing. I mean there had to be more to life than working an eight to four job for little pay, getting home just in time to feed, bathe and put our littles to bed, bringing home work with me to work on during the night, and all to only start it all over again the next day. My life was on repeat and not in the majestic kind of way. I was grateful for what I had but I wanted more. I wanted more for our family. I wanted more for myself. I just didn't realize it yet. Now I want more for you. I want everyone to experience this feeling! Once I opened my eyes and mind just a tiny crack into what could be possible, I couldn't shut the door. I saw what is possible! I am excited and fired up to share this opportunity, so that I can in turn empower more families. You deserve more. You are worthy. It is waiting for you so crack open that door my friend and just take a look.
why our community

We are a diverse community of servants, here to serve others. We love linking arms with people and making sh*t happen. I am here to show up for you every single day to guide you towards a path of success. We have a variety of online community and resources exclusively for you.

steps to launching your business


building a biz with non-toxic products

What rank or paycheck amount would make a difference in your family?

What is your why? Your reason for sharing with others? 

"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it." - Simon Sinek

What was my life like before Young Living? What were my struggles? How is it different now? Share this at classes or with your friends.

begin with a 15 day challenge to start affiliate marketing

One thing I did not learn until after 5 years down the road after sharing Young Living was affiliate marketing and how Young Living goes hand in hand with that. I came across a $7 15 day Challenge and the valuable information I gained in this challenge was remarkable. I wish I would have know about this 15 Day Challenge when I first began sharing Young Living so now I am sharing it with you. If you are serious about making a financial impact for your family this would be a great place to start!

steps to growing your biz

1. Host an Into to Oils class at your home, or online, or invite others to a class someone you know is hosting
2. Plug into your upline's Facebook support groups
3. Help others get their own non-toxic products or Starter Bundle of choice
4. Share with your members the benefits of Subscribe & Save
5. Love people - help them learn how to use their oils & support their wellness needs
6. Give out oil samples to friends who need it
7. Tell others about the free Life Steps app, or gift Pocket Reference guides to new members or send them to this website
8. Check out the Compensation Plan & Income Disclosure Statements
9. Use and love your YL products - create your own success stories
10. Help your members share with others

readers are leaders

Choose one of our favorite books!
  • "The Four Year Career" by Richard Bliss Brooke
  • "25 to Life: Jailbreak your 9-5 & Escape to Financial Freedom" by Adam Green
  • "Gameplan: The Complete Strategy Guide to go from Starter Kit to Silver" by Sarah Harnish
  • "Go Pro" by Eric Worre
  • "Getting Noticed" by Lindsay Teague Moreno
  • "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
Member must have
  • "Essential Oil Desk Reference" from Life Science Publishing