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Have you looked at the back of those taco seasoning packets lately? One I recently looked at contained: Corn starch, maltodextrin, vegetable oil, silicon dioxide, citric acid, sugar, flavor. Many flavor packets also have MSG (mono-sodium glutamate). That’s not even the spices that just fillers! What is up with all that?!
Corn starch was ok. Citric acid and sugar I understood for preserving. But why the vegetable oil, silicon dioxide, and maltodextrin? MSG is a flavor enhancer that gets you addicted to the food. That pop, McDonald’s fries or ice cream you can’t put down? Yep there is MSG in there. MSG also can be an allergen for some.
I was not ok with that. I didn’t even realize how much filler was in food seasoning until I started reading labels looking for food allergens. You would be surprised how much gluten and soy are in.
The good news is I found a simple way to make taco seasoning at home without all the extra. Bonus is it has spices that are usually in the kitchen anyway. I mix it up in a batch about the size of the jar in the picture and use as we cook. We love tacos and Mexican food at our house, so it has never been old enough to begin caking. Just shake the jar before use and apply as much as desired.
For this recipe you will want to store it in an airtight glass jar. This will prevent it from caking better, especially if your spices live near the stove like mine. I can put two batches in my jar, but I layer them in so mixing is easier. I also add a little extra cumin, because my family likes it.
Taco Seasoning
1 T chili powder
¼ t garlic powder
¼ t onion powder
¼ t oregano
½ t paprika
1 ½ t cumin
1 t salt
1 t black pepper
¼ t crushed red pepper
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