I have a very good reason for sending this newsletter almost a week late, well maybe not since excuses are pretty lame. The truth is I got a bit distracted by one of the coolest human beings who decided to visit my home this past weekend. Sherry Cummings, a woman I met about four years ago when I decided to dig deeper into all things essential oils related and travel over 6 hours to meet her somewhere in PA.
Sherry soon became my mentor, friend, and teacher, I know she knows her stuff very well, and I love seeing her passion for wellness and holistic approach on full display. I have witnessed how her work, her words, her touch, and her skill can change a person's life, and giving my full attention to her became. simply non-negotiable.
This past weekend she shared her gifts of Raindrop Technique, Vibrational Raindrop, Emotional Release, and Thermography with a few people in my neighborhood, and if you missed out please know that Sherry will be back in CT beginning of March, so if you're curious, lmk and I'll connect you with this incredibly talented lady when she returns.
Now onto our very important October Newsletter! 🍂With the cool, crisp days inviting you to get outside and play, now’s the time to refresh your routines and harvest healthy habits. Autumn shows us how beautiful it can be to let things go, and to invite better things in!
Fall into wellness with this month's PV promo picks!

Start by elevating your wellness routines or meditation sessions with the refreshing smell of Ravintsara; then boost well-being with a daily Inner Defense™ softgel, (increase to three softgels when your body needs extra support, and be sure to add a capsule of YL's Life9 probiotic). After an afternoon of apple picking and mastering corn mazes, cozy up to a cup of Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea — and enjoy this rejuvenating blend in our exclusive Young Living mug, handmade by women artisans in Vietnam who have faced economic hardships. Young Living loves supporting artists and mothers, and this mug accomplishes both! Created from natural, locally mind clay in Vietnam, each mug helps break the cycle of poverty for the all-female artisans and their children. You’ll love why you own this mug as much as it’s lovely beauty blue and gray hue.
When life isn’t pumpkin spice and everything nice, diffuse AromaEase™ and make relaxation a priority.
Qualify today and get these free gifts with no extra shipping charge!
October’s PV promo picks! 🎉🎉🎉
🍂 100pv: Free Shipping
🍂 190pv: AromaEase 5ml
Ravintsara 5ml *** ER Exclusive
🍂 100pv: Free Shipping
🍂 190pv: AromaEase 5ml
Ravintsara 5ml *** ER Exclusive
AromaEase is an oil that Young Living always seems to give during travel season because people who deal with travel sickness LOVE having this in their back pocket. AromaEase is like Digize without the strong smell. It’s perfect to keep it in the car for those times passengers might feel queasy.
Ravintsara is perfect for this time of year in the diffuser for respiratory support, in homemade chest creams, and on the kids' feet before heading out to the park!
🍂 250pv: Inner Defense
Why? It's a premade capsule of Thieves, Oregano, and Lemongrass. Can you imagine why you'd want that on your shelf this time of year?
Ravintsara is perfect for this time of year in the diffuser for respiratory support, in homemade chest creams, and on the kids' feet before heading out to the park!
🍂 250pv: Inner Defense
Why? It's a premade capsule of Thieves, Oregano, and Lemongrass. Can you imagine why you'd want that on your shelf this time of year?
Always have an extra bottle for those times in need. Especially during winter!
🍂 300pv: Spiced Tumeric Herbal Tea (15 ct)
A perfect Autumn Tea! Try adding a little splash of my favorite creamer to your cup!
🍂 400pv: YL Mug
Perfect for drinking your tea 🥰
🍂 300pv: Spiced Tumeric Herbal Tea (15 ct)
A perfect Autumn Tea! Try adding a little splash of my favorite creamer to your cup!
🍂 400pv: YL Mug
Perfect for drinking your tea 🥰
And if you are dreaming of delicious treats here is a recipe you will not regret testing out this fall! The sweet and spicy aromas will surely make your day brighter!

Please know to reach out to me with any questions. or concerns you. may have. I am here to help and assist you in any way I. can!
And if you have not placed an order in the past three or more months, please reach out and connect with me so I can share with you a little special something, something I have just for you! 🍂
Happy Fall!
Dorota Matys
Your Wellness Advocate

Transition. Change. Busy schedules. Stress. It happens. It's part of life. But just because summer is ending and we're headed into fall, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy life as much as we did during the summer days. On the contrary! We can continue to bring brightness into our lives even as cooler days come our way. No matter what's going on in life, these powerful and uplifting plant juices can assist us in sharing a healthy dose of light, hope, wellness, and health with those around us.
As seasons shift and cooler weather sets in be sure to update your wellness basket and add all the immune-supporting goodies Young Living has for you including; Inner Defense, Ningxia Red, Thieves blend, Life 9 Probiotics, Super C, and to keep you energized when the sun isn't shining as brightly be sure to add Nitro and Super D to keep your mood and energy at optimal levels.
Second on your autumnal to-do list: trade your everyday household items for nature’s best. Pack snacks in an on-trend mini YL cooler in lieu of paper bags or carryout. Stock up on radiance-boosting Copaiba in your vanity cabinet instead of beauty buys filled with harsh chemicals. And when you need those YL goodies without any extra shipping cost, get your September qualifying products for free! Get ready. Get set. Go clean & green!
Trade up with September’s free products!
Essential Rewards orders:
Essential Rewards orders:
Retail value: $196.84 (Up to 75 ER points back)

M-Grain™ essential oil blend, 15 ml
• Take the natural road. When the craziness of life reaches its peak, add a dab or two to your temples and back of the neck for a Mother Nature-approved tension alleviator.
• Destress after a long day. Add a few drops of this calming and soothing EO blend to a warm bath and let the stress of the day melt away.

Thieves Mints, 30-count
• Find your fresh-scented smile. Minty breath isn’t worth dyes and preservatives. Freshen up after meals with pure Cinnamon and Peppermint-infused mini mints.
• Curb cravings the sugar-free way. Pop one of these cooling, irresistible mints when you find your goal "to go without sweets" a bit hard to handle.
Mini YL Cooler*
• Style up your snacks. Trade single-use takeout carriers and plastic bags for this heather gray, paint-splattered cooler that’s easy to tote and even easier to coordinate on every occasion.
• Dine al fresco. When your house gets a bit too claustrophobic, pack a picnic, and take the family on an outdoor eating adventure.
*The Mini YL Cooler is available only while supplies last. If the mini cooler goes out of stock, YL will reward you with 30 ER points instead.
• Style up your snacks. Trade single-use takeout carriers and plastic bags for this heather gray, paint-splattered cooler that’s easy to tote and even easier to coordinate on every occasion.
• Dine al fresco. When your house gets a bit too claustrophobic, pack a picnic, and take the family on an outdoor eating adventure.
*The Mini YL Cooler is available only while supplies last. If the mini cooler goes out of stock, YL will reward you with 30 ER points instead.

Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
• Know what’s in your products. Fight the appearance of blemishes with a pure essential oil rather than a product with a long list of difficult-to-pronounce ingredients.
• Choose skincare that soothes. Enjoy Copaiba’s balmy, calming scent as you find your way to your healthier skin. Apply a couple of drops on. tips of your fingers and gently massage into skin.

Bonus Essential Rewards: Purification® essential oil blend, 5 ml
• Say no to wicks and wax. Refuse to use artificially scented candles that only cover up nasty smells and choose this spa-like, stinky air-neutralizing, essential oil blend.
• Fight for the sweetest clean. Add a drop or two of this citrusy aroma to diffusers, room sprays, soapy mop buckets, vacuum bags, vents, and any other odor-reducing product.

Free shipping (100pv order)!!!
• Reach our 100 PV tier during this promotion and we’ll send your qualifying order for free!
• This month, place as many 100+ PV ER or Shop orders as you desire and we’ll give you free shipping every single time!
250 PV tier
Retail value: $117.24 (Up to 62.5 ER points back)
Mini YL Cooler
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Bonus Essential Rewards: Purification essential oil blend, 5 ml
Free shipping
190 PV tier
Retail value: $82.24 (Up to 47.5 ER points back)
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Bonus Essential Rewards: Purification essential oil blend, 5 ml
Free shipping
100 PV Tier (Up to 25 ER points back)
Free shipping
One-time orders: (Not on ER program)
Retail value: $175.13
M-Grain essential oil blend, 15 ml
Thieves Mints, 30-count
Mini YL Cooler
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Free shipping
250 PV tier
Retail value: $95.53
Mini YL Cooler
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Free shipping
190 PV tier
Retail Value: $60.53
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Free shipping
Free shipping
Retail value: $117.24 (Up to 62.5 ER points back)
Mini YL Cooler
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Bonus Essential Rewards: Purification essential oil blend, 5 ml
Free shipping
190 PV tier
Retail value: $82.24 (Up to 47.5 ER points back)
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Bonus Essential Rewards: Purification essential oil blend, 5 ml
Free shipping
100 PV Tier (Up to 25 ER points back)
Free shipping
One-time orders: (Not on ER program)
Retail value: $175.13
M-Grain essential oil blend, 15 ml
Thieves Mints, 30-count
Mini YL Cooler
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Free shipping
250 PV tier
Retail value: $95.53
Mini YL Cooler
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Free shipping
190 PV tier
Retail Value: $60.53
Copaiba essential oil, 15 ml
Free shipping
Free shipping
Enjoy this great smelling and very effective Citrus Degreasing Spray recipe I've adopted from Culinary Clean, use it whenever you have something a little tougher to clean. It is great on grease and smudges and I keep a bottle of this under the kitchen sink, ready to go.

Thank You for choosing wellness and the best Essential Oils on Earth!
Please reach out with any questions you may have!
Stay Well,
Your Young Living Wellness Advocate
Dorota Matys
Silver Member #1504829
Silver Member #1504829