December 2021 Freebies in Depth!

December 2021 Freebies in Depth!
US December 2021 Gifts With Purchase in-depth!

Frankincense 15-ml (Bonus Subscribe to Save 400 PV tier)
Yes, a 15-ml bottle of Frankincense. This is liquid gold! Skincare. Calming. A deeper, richer spiritual or meditative experience. This is a famous gift connected to the holidays and getting it as a gift for ourselves is perfect. You can literally never have too much Frankincense.
• Add to your moisturizer to promote the appearance of healthy-looking skin and even skin tones.
• Create a safe and comforting environment by diffusing while engaged in prayer or meditation.

Thieves 15-ml (300 PV tier)
For the cold, winter months, and the holidays where everyone is out shopping and putting their grubby little fingers on everything, Thieves is a lifesaver. Along with having a wonderful, comforting aroma for winter, the Vitality version (which is the same oil like this one, by the way) helps support our immune systems, and the warming sensation on our feet and chest when applied with a carrier oil can be a nice relief during winter.
• Add a few drops to your dishwater or dishwasher to eliminate odors and boost cleaning.
• Dilute and apply to the bottom of your feet during cold winter months.

R.C. 15-ml (250 PV tier)
Speaking of chest rubs, for those days you want a cooling relief and sensation on your chest, take 3-4 drops of R.C. with some carrier oil and make an invigorating chest rub! The Eucalyptus and other fresh oils in it will have you breathing easily and feeling motivated to take on the day.
• Use R.C. with V-6 for a foot or back massage after your gym routine, outdoor adventure, or yoga practice to enjoy a refreshing scent.
• Diffuse 8–20 drops to experience the relaxing aroma in any stuffy environment.

Christmas Spirit 5-ml (190 PV tier)
All the holiday gatherings will be greatly enhanced with the festive, delicious aroma of Christmas Spirit in the air. Want a little extra calming of tension or hyper-ness during a holiday gathering? Add a few drops of Frankincense. You're welcome. 
• Add it to Thieves Household Cleaner for a festive twist to your cleaning experience.
• Use Christmas Spirit to create your own holiday potpourri.

Winter Nights Foaming Hand Soap 3-pk (190 PV tier)
Keep your hands clean all winter long without drying them out. Plus, the added bonus of Winter Nights lingering on clean hands might have guests going back and washing their hands more than once.
• Leaves skin soft and clean with a sweet, woodsy scent.
• Combines Northern Lights Black Spruce, Peppermint, Cedarwood, and Orange essential oils with other naturally derived ingredients to clean hands.

Pine 5-ml (Bonus Subscribe to Save 190 PV tier)
There's a lot of really good and interesting information out there about Pine. I definitely suggest that you dig a little and see what's been said about it recently. I will say, there is comfort and courage to be had in applying Pine topically to your chest with some carrier oil. And woodsy oils in the diffuser are always calming and easy to breathe. This is a great gift!
• It shares many of the same properties as Eucalyptus Globulus; the action of both oils is enhanced when blended together.
• Pairs well with other essential oils such as Peppermint, Lavender, and Eucalyptus.

Free Shipping (100 PV tier)
Still free. Free as free can be. 
• Treat yourself. Stock up on cold-weather favorites and let us cover the cost of your deliveries.
• Feel the love. We’re grateful for you, so reach our 100 PV tier and we’ll ship your order for free!

See what I mean? They go all out and these are perfect for this time of year. I love it and I imagine you do too. Let your people know. Share some ideas for oils and products they can add to their Subscribe to Save orders. These Gifts With Purchase are 100% worth getting.

Please reach out if you have any questions or need assistance!

Enjoy this Holiday Season!


Your Young Living Brand Partner

Let the Summer Begin, no matter what!

Let the Summer Begin, no matter what!
With the world the way it is right now, we know how important it is to be outside and getting a healthy dose of Vitamin D!  So consider taking a break from your in-home quarantine life and enjoying some outdoors! And no matter what you have planned for the summer, for this transition back into the real world, and the warmer weather coming our way, these promos are going to prove invaluable.  You’re going to want to scoop them all up to help you enjoy the best summer ever! 
AND...don’t forget that the BEST way to get your goodies is to order them through the Essential Rewards (ER) program - our monthly wellness box ordering program that offers points back and additional promos. 
This is by far the best value when ordering with Young Living, and if you are looking for ideas on what to order to reach the PV amounts consider adding these summer favorites to your monthly wellness basket:
- 50 SPF Mineral Sunscreen 
- Lavender
- LavaDerm After-Sun Spray 
- Insect Repellent

Let's Start with the First ER Freebie:
*CITRONELLA 15ml, 100pv ER //
It's a Summer MUST-HAVE! And we get it for FREE from Young Living when placing our 100pv order via ER - Essential Rewards order this month. Citronella is a relative of Lemongrass and it can be super helpful in enjoying the outdoors annoyance free! Thanks to its fresh, bright. and welcoming aroma, Citronella essential oil is a common element in perfumes and cosmetic products. It is also well known for its use in outdoor candles, sprays, lotions, and other camping and outdoor essentials. It has a vibrant citrusy scent that provides a pleasant experience whenever used topically or in a diffuser. Its versatility makes it a great household product to add to your beauty routine or to refresh indoor and outdoor spaces.


+ Repelling Insects

+ Restoring Skin

+ Respiratory Support

+ Aches/ Discomforts

+ Odor Control!

If you're not using it yet, you should be!


• 2 drops each: Spearmint, Peppermint, Citronella & Lemongrass

We love to combine it with Citrus Fresh + Lavender in the diffuser for a fresh and clean smell in the kitchen!
This one is my personal favorite, I actually think I invented it : )...great for keeping my "pits" smelling fresh! It is a blend of equal parts of Citronella + Lavender + Patchouli. I place about 20 drops of each of these awesome oils in an empty 5ml glass bottle and top it with a roller-ball insert, I use it in the morning to stay fresh all day long!

*190PV YL PICNIC BLANKET (ER exclusive) //
Picnic in style this summer with an exclusive YL branded picnic blanket!!! This blanket is super cute for us to take on all of our summertime adventures. It is packable, durable, water-repellant, and totally cleanable, which means the only thing you’ll have to worry about is the weather!  And to help you carry all your necessary items, the entire blanket folds and zips up into a portable tote with a front pocket for extra storage and a  shoulder strap for easy transportation. HOW COOL IS THAT?!

*PEACE & CALMING 5ML, 190pv //
One of our FAVS!!! Diffuse it and roll it on your spine and wrists for a relaxing aroma that will help calm everyone from your rambunctious toddler to your spunky great-grandma. This is a MUST for everyone. We diffuse it during that cray-cray time between dinner and bedtime. But P&C is not just good for helping us mellow out. It's

also one of the higher frequency oil blends. Blue Tansy (one of the main oils

in P&C) has a frequency of 105 mHz....which is 1.5 *million* times

higher than our bodies' frequency in health!!! So crazy, right?! So mellow

out and catch a higher vibe/ happier body when you use P&C this


This oil is a Powerhouse for:

+ Supporting Release of Tension - much needed right now!!!

+ Uplifting your Mood

+ Encouraging Deep Relaxation

+ Great support in your bedtime routines

We order this almost every month because I can't imagine surviving life without it. Rest and sleep is just too precious:)


• 2 drops each: Peace and Calming, Valor, Lavender

• 5 drops Peace and Calming, 3 drops Orange

• 3 drops Peace and Calming, 3 drops Citrus Fresh, 2 drops Peppermint

*KUNZEA 5ML, 250PV //
Kunzea is an amazing odor killer! Stinky shoes? Stinky armpits? Stinky kitchen? Add a few drops to get rid of any smells! Diffuse in any space that needs freshening up! Apply to fatigued muscles....and a great addition to a chest rub too. Reduce the appearance of occasional blemishes. Add to YL's Insect Repellent for a little extra boost, or to Thieves Household Cleaner! Finally, Kunzea oil contains bicyclogermacrene,

which is also present in oregano and hyssop.

This oil is the powerhouse for:

+ Supports in Releasing of Tension

+ Supports the Respiratory System

+ Helps Purify the Air

+ Supports your Skin and its healthy Glow!


• 3 drops each Kunzea, Lime, Bergamot

• 5 drops Kunzea, Lime, Tangerine, Stress Away

• 2 drops Idaho Balsam Fir, 4 drops Peace and Calming, 3 drops Kunzea

*COOL AZUL 15ML, 300PV //
Just what the Tinman needed or exactly what I want after a long day of manual labor, workout, or any sort of physical activity.  So this Essential Oil blend is so stinking amazing, they made a pain relief cream out of it!!!
Convenient for the “on the go” muscle recovery, pop a roller top on this oil and use it before, during, after a workout, yard work, etc. Ohhh and bring this with you to your next massage, it’s amazing!

This oil is the powerhouse for:

+ Supporting Release of Tension

+ Supporting the Respiratory System

+ Great for a Post-Workout Massage

So get it for free when placing your 300 PV order this month and soothe your muscles and breathe a sigh of relief as the Wintergreen and Peppermint in Cool Azul blend relax and refresh you after your next hike or


I trust you found this info helpful, and if you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out to me!

Dorota Matys
Your Essential Oils Wellness Advocate
Member #1504829

Ready to get your oils just follow this: LINK!

May 2020 Newsletter - Take Care of You Essentially

May 2020 Newsletter - Take Care of You Essentially

Happy May!

I hope this month finds you safe, happy, and well. Life is still a bit strange and out of sorts for us all, but we can still find balance and joy in many ways. We’re going to make it through all of this together. 

And we’ve got our oils to help.

Believe it or not, we're halfway through spring. Funny how slow time seems to pass, but so much is still happening all around us. That’s part of the reason why balance is such a needed thing in our lives right now. Emotional, spiritual, physical. All of it.

The May PV promos will help bring that balance and provide further support through these trying times. And you know what they say, April showers bring really, really good May promos.

That is how that saying goes, right? Either way, it's true.

And to prove it, here’s the full breakdown of the US May promos (which include a 15 ml Frankincense)!

At 100 PV you get:

  • Longevity Vitality 5ml only on ER- essential Rewards 

($20.72 value)

At 190 PV you get:

  • EndoFlex 15ml & 

  • Bonus ER exclusive: 15ml Lavender & 5ml Longevity Vitality 

($73.68 value)

At 250 PV you get:

  • Deep Relief Roll-On 10 ml, Endoflex 15ml, 

  • Bonus ER exclusive: 15ml Lavender & 5ml Longevity Vitality 

($109.86 value)

Att 300 PV you get:

  • Frankincense 15ml, Deep Relief Roll-On 10 ml, Endoflex 15ml, 

  • Bonus ER exclusive: 15ml Lavender & 5ml Longevity Vitality 

($172.69 value)

*Remember, in order to get the Essential Rewards Exclusive Longevity Vitality 5 ml and the Essential Rewards Exclusive Lavender 5 ml, you have to be enrolled in Essential Rewards (ER) and have an order that meets the PV requirements for those items. The extra bonus of meeting these PV amounts with your ER order is that you get even more ER points to spend later!

Click HERE to learn more about the bonus oils: Longevity Vitality, Lavender, Longevity, Endoflex, Deep Relief roll-on, and Frankincense.

I am in love with these promos. The timing is perfect. The balance of what we're getting is spot on for what we all need it in our lives right now.

The Spring Launch happened last month and boy did we get some exciting new products!

New steeped teas, two types of Savvy Minerals mascara, and so much more. Let me just list them for you below, because you’ll want to run to the “Shop” section of the Virtual Office in the “What’s New” section and see which of these are still in stock, cause they are all amazing. Check out what we got!

  • Luscious Lemon Foaming Hand Soap, it’s fabulous!!!

  • Valor Deodorant, absolute must-have!

  • Savvy Minerals Lengthening Mascara

  • Savvy Minerals Volumizing Mascara (because it is time for a couple of new mascaras that do what they’re supposed to)

  • Steeped Vitality Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea

  • Steeped Vitality Orange Rosehip Black Tea

  • Steeped Vitality Vanilla Lemongrass Green Tea

Plus, starting May 1st we’re able to add those to our Essential Rewards orders! New products AND great promos? Hard to ask for a better combination.

Here’s to hoping that we all have a month filled with joy, balance in all areas of life, and that we all stay safe and well. As always, if you have any questions or need help with anything, please let me know.

Yours Truly,

Dorota Matys