There's no joking around with April's free with purchase promos! If you ever wanted Spring to arrive on your doorstep in a nice little box, these promos are for you. Bright, vibrant oils that will help your home smelling and feeling like a ray of sunshine. So many 15-ml bottles!

Here is the full breakdown of the US April 2021 promos:
100 PV
Free Shipping
190 PV
Tangerine 15-ml
Citrus Fresh 15-ml*
Peppermint 15-ml*
Free shipping
250 PV
Grapefruit 15-ml**
Jade Lemon 5-ml
Tangerine 15-ml
Citrus Fresh 15-ml*
Peppermint 15-ml*
Free shipping
300 PV
Thieves 15-ml
Bergamot 5-ml
Grapefruit 15-ml**
Jade Lemon 5-ml
Tangerine 15-ml
Citrus Fresh 15-ml*
Peppermint 15-ml*
Free shipping
Check out some of the unique tips that Young Living suggests for each of these incredible oils HERE!
*Essential Rewards (ER) Exclusives: Remember, in order to get these exclusives, you must be on ER and have an order that meets the PV requirements for those items. The extra bonus of meeting all these PV amounts with your ER order is that you get even more ER points to spend later!
**This essential oil is considered a dangerous good. Shipping restrictions apply.
Free Shipping (100 PV tier)
Freer than free. A great option for anyone looking to save even more money on their order!

As a reminder, with all the citrus oils, they are PHOTOSENSITIVE, so wearing them topically out in the sun is not recommended. Incorporating them into your nighttime skin routine? Very recommended.

Be sure to share your best springtime diffuser blend, spring cleaning tip, or a new way to use these oils with me, and remember to always spread the word about these amazing oils!
Your Young Living Brand Partner & Wellness Advocate!
Fantastic Freebies for the month of April 2021
Thieves 15-ml (300 PV tier)

Thieves blend is such a big part of our everyday lives, sometimes we forget just how amazing it is. It's the blend that's behind the entire Thieves line of products (household cleaner, hand sanitizer, laundry soap, and so much more), but it's also a comforting aroma, a cleansing powerhouse, and a perfect compliment to living a healthy, wellness driven lifestyle. Check out a couple of unique tips from YL below on some new ways to incorporate Thieves.
• Shine up the stove. Add a few drops of Thieves to a cupful of water and inhale the warm, spicy scent as you wipe away stovetop messes without worrying about what’s in your cleaning solution.
• Clear the air. Use Thieves to create a spicy-scented DIY cleaning fizzy that will make cleaning toilets more pleasant.
Bergamot 5-ml (300 PV tier)

This is a radiant smile in a bottle. Bergamot is big on helping improve moods and balance those days that need balancing. If you're looking to keep a smile on your family's faces as much as possible while the deep cleaning and springtime prep happens, definitely include a few drops of Bergamot in your diffuser blends.
• Get your shine on. Use a drop of Bergamot on a washcloth for maximum shine as you scrub down bathroom and kitchen faucets.
• Let it go. Diffuse Bergamot for a citrusy scent as you tuck winter-only pieces away to make room in your closet for warm-weather favorites.
Grapefruit 15-ml (250 PV tier)**

People love Grapefruit but it still doesn't get talked about as much as it probably should. Similar to Bergamot, this bright, fresh aroma lights up a room with good vibes and feelings and helps invigorate the air around us. Plus, its nighttime skincare qualities cannot be overlooked. Did you know it's a key ingredient in Young Living's Cel-Lite Magic massage oil? :)
• Add cheer to your chores. Combine 10 drops of Grapefruit with 6 ounces of water, 2 ounces of witch hazel, and 9 drops of Lemon in a glass spray bottle for a linen spray that gives a playful kick of scent to bath towels and rugs.
• Feel like royalty. Combine Grapefruit with a salt body scrub for a home spa experience that will have you feeling as fresh as a daisy just in time for spring.
Jade Lemon 5-ml (250 PV tier)

Jade Lemon has such a deliciously unique aroma! If you aren't familiar with Jade Lemon and aren't diffusing this with a little Spearmint or by itself, you are missing out big time. I really like the dishwasher tip below as well!
• Dish it out. Combine 3 drops of Jade Lemon with half a capful of Thieves Household Cleaner and 1 cup of white vinegar in the bottom of your dishwasher and run a cycle without soap or dishes whenever your machine smells musty.
• Soak up the sunshine. Diffuse Jade Lemon for an uplifting aroma as you take a break from your hard work to appreciate the beautiful spring weather.
Tangerine 15-ml (190 PV tier)

With a slightly sweeter smell than some citrus oils, Tangerine is a great mood balancing and brightening addition to your diffuser blend routines! Take a whiff and then open a bottle of Citrus Fresh and see if you can spot the notes of Tangerine in that wonderful blend.
• Fake it till you make it. Don’t have time to clean? Keep a few drops of Tangerine in a 6-ounce spray bottle filled with water at the ready. Its bright scent will help any room feel spruced up in a flash.
• Let in the light. Diffuse Tangerine while you dust blinds, wash windows, and wipe down sills to get ready for days of fresh air and gentle breezes.
Citrus Fresh 15-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 190 PV tier)

Citrus Fresh is a must-have for all who love to wake up to absolute joy in their morning diffuser blends. Being a blend itself, 5-6 drops by itself are perfect in the diffuser, can also try adding a drop or two of Peppermint with it in the diffuser for a bit more freshness. Give it a try!
• Outwit unwanted odors. Add a few drops of Citrus Fresh to cotton balls and tuck them into sock drawers, the bottoms of trash cans, and shoe closets for a spring-approved aroma.
• Defeat the dish pile. Add 4 drops of Citrus Fresh to Thieves Dish Soap for an extra burst of scent, plus the added bonus of citrus oil that can help cut grease from dirty dishes.
Peppermint 15-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 190 PV tier)

See what I did there? ;) Along with blending well with Citrus Fresh and other citrus oils in the diffuser, Peppermint is a must-have during springtime. Since you got Lavender for free last month and you'll get Peppermint for free this month, add a bottle of Lemon to your order and you've got the ingredients for one of the most popular seasonal wellness trios out there! Plus, Peppermint is a burst of freshness that always compliments spring well!
• Pep up the kitchen. Put 1 drop of Peppermint on a damp cloth and wipe down counters so your kitchen smells as welcoming as a clear blue sky after a spring storm.
• Cheer up as you clean up. Tired of fighting the mess in your laundry room?
Diffuse Peppermint for a peppy, pick-me-up scent that’s just what you need to finish.
As a reminder, with all the citrus oils, they are photosensitive, so wearing them topically out in the sun is not recommended. Incorporating them into your nighttime skin routine? Very recommended.

Be sure to share your best springtime diffuser blend, spring cleaning tip, or a new way to use these oils with me, and remember to spread the word about these amazing promos!
Your Young Living Brand Partner & Wellness Advocate!