Have you ever known what you're looking for and wanted to go right to it? Now, you can, with the new search bar at the top of the GetOiling back office!
Click in the "type to find something" bar and type to find it! Whether it's a name of a page or a campaign or a contact, or a feature in the system, it will show you a list of what matches and you can jump right to it.
Want to make shortcuts to your favorite feature, page, contact, saved reply, etc.? Pin an item to the bar for easier access. Click the pin icon next to each item and it will stay in your pinned items until you remove it from the pinned list. If you'd like to open an item in a new tab, click the New Tab button shown below, too.
We hope this feature helps save time in your business by allowing you to navigate the system more quickly and efficiently. Please reach out to support@GetOiling.com if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions with this new feature. Thank you!