What happens during a reflexology appointment?

Find out what happens at your reflexology appointment

Each reflexologist will have a different way of conducting an appointment with their client. I will share a few examples of how a reflexology appointment may look and what a new client may expect coming into an appointment.

The space is dependent on the reflexologist. Some work in a clinical space, some in their home, while others work in a spa setting. 
Some have a clinical approach while others have a holistic approach. Some blend the two approaches together. 
Investment for your appointment will be dependent on location, province/state, the reflexologists experience and training. 

When it comes to reflexology, wearing comfortable clothing is key. You are always fully dressed when you receive a session. Hand, body, face, foot or ear reflexology does not require the removal of clothing with the exception of socks. 

Some reflexologists like to have a gentle, relaxing foot soak ready for the clients upon arrival. Others choose to simply wipe clients feet with a damp cloth or wet wipe. 

There may be a massage table you lay on, face up, while the reflexologist works on you. They may also have a zero gravity chair or recliner that they prefer to use. 

I personally take 5-10 minutes chatting with my clients while they soak their feet. This conversation typically sounds like me asking general questions regarding concerns they may currently have with their physical/emotional health. I ask about areas of focus and explain to the client (if it's their first time) what they can expect with pressure and tenderness.  

We cannot diagnose health conditions but having a conversation regarding the health concerns and focus is very important. It helps the reflexologist plan how they will conduct the appointment. 

The reflexologist will typically work through all body systems, which help the body come into its ideal balance. With the information you have given them, they will go back and work a specific protocol or treatment plan before ending with relaxation techniques. 

Each reflexologist has their own routine of how they do their appointments with clients. You can't expect the same pressure/experience from one to another (just like you wouldnt with your massage therapist) 

If you still feel unsure of what to expect during a reflexology appointment, call a local reflexologist in your area and ask them a few questions like 
-what can I expect at an appointment with you?
-what are your credentials?
-are you registered? 
-can my appointment be covered by insurance? (stay tune to next week's blog regarding this topic) 

Come take a look at my current space and what you can expect to see and experience at a session with me! 

What is reflexology good for? It’s not just a foot massage!

It's not just a foot massage! 
So, what is reflexology good for?

Reflexology has been around for centuries. The oldest known evidence is from an Egyptian pictograph dated 2500-2330 BC. 
The present day concept of reflexology was born in the early 1930s by a physician named Eunice Ingham who utilized zone therapy to map out foot reflexes. 

It's not just a foot massage! Reflexology is an automatic body response to finger pressure. Your reflexologist will utilize specific techniques, finger pressure and movements to stimulate various points on your feet, hands, face, ears or body. The specific techniques help your body attain and maintain its ideal balance. It is truly a beautiful thing. 

There are many reasons why I can suggest reflexology to potential clients but today, I will be sharing my top, number one reason as to why I'd recommend you booking in with a reflexologist in your area.

Reflexology helps your body to completely relax. In today's busy world, it really is something we could all use a little bit of. And I know you may be thinking ‘relax? That's the top reason? Why the heck would I need to relax?’ But if I’m being honest here (which I am) living in a state of constant stress and hectic go go go is really not great for our overall health and well being. Stay with me and I’ll explain why below. 

Our nervous system has two response systems. Our sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. These, under normal conditions, balance each other out. 

With the way of the world today, most of us abuse our sympathetic nervous system. When we abuse this system (the fight and flight) it will typically lead to chronic stress related conditions. It is actually estimated that 70-80 % of disorders are stress related. 

When your body goes into the parasympathetic state (rest and repair) your body goes into its normal functional state. The body relaxes, it does its best healing here and the effects of stress reduce. 
You can unlock my free video resource (under 4 minutes long) to find a few ways to relieve stress naturally. 

Reflexology has the ability to put clients in the state of rest and repair. The technique is generally not a painful one (unless we find areas of imbalance which may present as painful, ouchy spots) . 
Clients will often fall asleep on the table while receiving the service and typically tell me once their session is finished, they feel relaxed and as if they are floating on a cloud. They feel a weight is lifted from their shoulders and the feeling of post session euphoria . 
Not only is the session bringing them into that state of calm, it is also helping to increase the circulation and oxygen in their bodies. 

I encourage you to take a look into certified and registered reflexologist in your area. 
Make the call or send the email and be sure to ask them these top three key questions before booking your first session! 

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