4.  I’m going to get into the dirty details, but before I do, I just want you to know there’s a better alternative!!  

This is not one of those times where someone lists out all the horrible things we do every day and then moves on with their life without giving you a better SOLUTION.  

We can take steps to a healthier life together.  I definitely still have areas of my life that aren’t as clean as I’d like them to be, and I learn more every single day.  One of my favorite things to do is help other people clean up their lives too!

Personally I’m not a DIYer.  I’m just not.  I totally admire people who make their own stuff.  It’s not my deal.  I have tons of friends who make their own household products from scratch in order to know exactly what is going into them.  I frankly don’t have the patience and have never found recipes that actually worked.  (Aannnd hubby ran out of patience with the non-working slime I was trying to get him to use around the house :D )

My research has clearly pointed me to Young Living as a company that I can trust.  I love this company – they own their own fields, have the highest standards for purity and even invite people in to see their processes!  I’ll be going to Utah to see their Lavender fields and how they create their amazing products next summer.  I CANNOT wait!  

A lot of people think that Young Living is just about essential oils.  DEFINITELY not the case.  They do infuse that goodness into most, if not all of their products, but if you’re looking to easily make a switch into healthier alternatives in your home, they’ve got you covered with a healthier version of the products we’re going to talk about tonight.

I use as many Young Living products as I possibly can.  Their essential oils have rocked my world – allowing my family to be happy, healthy and stay above the wellness line.  Like for real, a whole new lifestyle!  (and I don’t go to Target as much, so I don't buy a bunch of other random stuff I don't need..... so my pocketbook is happy too!)

So in this world of dark secrets, lies, and closed doors, I trust Young Living with the well being of my family.


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