14. Fabric Softener, Laundry Detergent, Dishwashing Liquid, Dish Detergent
I listen to music through Pandora on my phone. Tide now sponsors commercials on Pandora telling parents to LOCK UP DETERGENT PODS away from children. WHAT?!?!?
Every 40 SECONDS poison control is called because a child has a detergent pod in their mouth. Children are LITERALLY DYING from ingesting them. I’m sorry – how is it possible that something that we are using to “clean” our clothing and bed sheets, which we then place on our bodies and the bodies of our little angels 24/7 can cause DEATH!?!? So how on earth is that safe to then be in contact with our skin, a SUPER ABSORBANT organ round the clock?!? No thanks!!
So after we douse our clothing with toxic detergent, we toss in a few dryer sheets to make our clothes feel soft and smell fresh.
I’m fortunate enough that my body knew there was something funky in there from an early age. Fabric softener makes me break out in hives. Same for my son. I’m so glad this was never something I could use in our home – that was a very fortunate inconvenience!
Fabric softeners and dryer sheets coat our clothes with a subtle layer of slimy chemicals - in fact, that's why they feel a little softer. Makes ya wanna snuggle up with that fresh load of towels, huh??
Most companies add optical brighteners to detergents. They are additives that emit blue light make the clothes appear whiter. That seems a little scary to me……
And PS does anyone else get overwhelmed walking down these aisles?!! Fortunately I literally NEVER have to walk down them anymore, but I'm just shocked by the amount of choices!! I'm so thrilled I can hop online, throw everything thieves in to my cart and it shows up at my door 😍😍🙌