Inspired Breakthrough

My name is Michele Royce
I am a coach and in my coaching practice I help my clients work through the negative thoughts and emotions that naturally arise when they have a big dream or goal. 
I use a cutting edge method that incorporates the latest in nueroscience and the use of aromas. This makes the whole process very gentle and fast.
I not only take my clients through Breathrough Sessions but I teach them how to coach themselves.
I would be honored to help you find your Breakthrough too!

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Turning Intentions into Results

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"He heals the brokenhearted 
and binds up their wounds"
Psalm 147:3

Client Testimonials

Why do you use essential oils in this process?
When you smell something, it will have an immediate and irresistible effect on the brain. You will have an emotional response before you have a physical one. When you see a bright light, you blink but when you smell rotten food, your first response is disgust. We use these two properties to our advantage by inhaling the scent of high quality calming essential oils at the opportune time. 
The limbic system of the brain is where you process emotions, determine whether something is safe or dangerous, and make emotional connections. When you smell something it connects directly to the limbic system. 
Using the essential oils in this process makes it more gentle and collapses time on being able to release negative thoughts and emotions associated with a memory or a current state of upset because of how aroma and the limbic system interact. 

Is this New Age?

This process is not New Age. I do not lead you to draw on your own inner power, or empty your mind, or anything similar to that. 
I simply lead you through a series of questions to help you connect with the past memory or block  where you first felt negative emotions. Since we as human beings create judgements and predictions about the world based on past experiences we address those negative experiences in order to create positive results in the here and now. 
Oftentimes this process will help you go from irrational thinking to rational thinking. 

​What is Memory Reconsolidation? 

Memory Reconsolidation is a natural process where we open a memory file, add new information, close (reconsolidate) it back up. 
When we revisit a painful memory and smell the calming oils while the file is open we are adding safe, calming and grounding information to that memory. We typically find one of two things will happen. 
1. The memory will break up and fade into the background. 
2 The memory will become less intense, you will get clarity and new perspective that is positive. 
Once the memory has been reconsolidated with this new positive information you will find it effortless to change. 
What is the Aroma Freedom Technique?
I use a scientifically proven approach known as The Aroma Freedom Technique develped by Dr. Benjamin Perkus. This technique combines the latest neuroscience breakthroughs of Memory Reconsolidation with the power of pure essential oils to dissolve negative thoughts, feelings, and memories which keep us from fully achieving our goals. 
Using aroma makes the process gentle and fast. 
While I am not a therapist, I am fully certified in using this cutting edge tool. 
I can't wait to help you find your Breakthrough!