Natural Oven Cleaner

Natural Oven Cleaner
When we’re swapping out natural ingredients in our cleaning supplies it can take some trial and error to find something that really gets the job done without all the harsh chemicals. Well, this oven cleaner recipe was a big exception. It worked the first time I tried it, and I’m so excited to share it with you! 


  • 3/4 cup baking soda
  • 15 drops Orange Essential Oil
  • 15 drops Pine Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • 3 – 5 tablespoons water


  • Make sure that your oven is completely cool before beginning.
  • In a small bowl, add baking soda and essential oils.
  • Stir in 3 tablespoons of water. Stir until well mixed and a thick paste is formed. If there is any baking soda still dry and clumpy, you can add a few more teaspoons of water at a time while stirring.
  • Use a damp sponge or cloth to apply the paste over the oven area. Let this sit for 5 minutes.
  • Using the same sponge, gently scrub the paste in a circular motion. You’ll probably want to rinse your cloth often to get rid of any residue or baked-on grease as it comes off.
  • When all the baked-on dirt is out, use a clean, damp cloth to do a final wipe removing any paste from corners and edges where it might have gotten trapped.

This amount in the recipe was enough to clean my entire oven. You can always make another batch if you need a little more.

How this Natural Oven Cleaner Works

1. I make a paste with baking soda, water, and three of my favorite essential oils for cleaning: Orange, Pine, and Tea Tree Essential Oils.

2. I smear the thick paste all over the dirty oven and then let it sit for about 5 minutes. My oven was in great need of attention and 5 minutes of the paste sitting was plenty of time to loosen up the gross, crustiness.

3. Next, I swipe a damp sponge over the surface. I apply gentle pressure, but not a lot of elbow grease. The tiny pieces of the baking soda will do the hard work so if you have a trouble spot it’s better to add more baking soda paste than to add more muscle. Trust me. I started out thinking that I needed to press down really hard to get rid of all the baked on grease. But when I started moving more baking soda over the area, it really did break down the gunk better than I could with more pressure.

4. Finish, by wiping off all the baking soda and cleaning off any residue with another damp sponge. You don’t want to leave any baking soda behind because it will stink when it bakes.

2020 Holiday Launch

Join us on October 17 for the 2020 Holiday Launch! We’ll show you all the giftable goodies in the new Holiday Gift Guide, as well as a sneak peek into the stories behind our most beautifully, delicately handcrafted products. Find a local or virtual watch party to join on our Holiday Launch page or head to (English) or (Spanish) to watch the live event! 


From pumpkin patches to sweater weather, there’s a lot to love about October. Now you 
can add the PV promo to that list! This month’s free gifts will make you fall in love with wellness all over again.

Start your day healthy with Inner Defense™ and a mindfulness session as you inhale the fresh, earthy aroma of Ravintsara. After a day of apple picking and mastering corn mazes, cozy up to a cup of Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea in our exclusive Young Living mug, handmade by women artisans in Vietnam who have faced economic hardships. And when life isn’t all pumpkin spice and everything nice, diffuse AromaEase™ while you practice deep breathing. As a reminder, when you qualify for our 100 PV tier and above, you’ll get free shipping on your order!

Back to School Essentials That Aren't on Your Supply List

Back to School Essentials That Aren't on Your Supply List

Fall is one of our favorite seasons of the year—it’s cooler than summer, warmer than winter, and the changing colors are simply gorgeous. It’s also the time of the year when school starts again and the hustle and bustle of life seem to go into overdrive.

With so much going on, it’s easy to let wellness take a backseat when you are in full back-to-school preparation mode. Here are a few of my favorite products that are designed to put any student—or parent—in the right state of mind and help support wellness now that school is back in session!

GeneYusYou already know your kid is a genius, but who doesn’t love an extra boost? GeneYus essential oil blend is a sweet mix of Spearmint, Peppermint, Tangerine, and other essential oils that are great for young minds. While they’re focusing on projects, equations, or reading, you can:

  • Diffuse GeneYus on your way to school with the help of our Car Vent Diffuser.
  • Apply it to your child’s wrists or back of their neck before school to help give them an edge.

NingXia Red® Singles: On average, children are eating about 19 teaspoons per day of sugar. That’s three times more than the recommended dose! Kick those sugary drinks in the morning and replace them with one of our NingXia Red Singles for a quick superfruit meal.

 MightyVitesGet ahead of the wellness game with . Made with Wolfberry powder, these easy-to-chew tablets are a quick way to get your kiddos the best nutrient-dense vitamins and minerals with breakfast or as a little boost with dinner after a long day.

  • MightyVites support a healthy immune system in a natural way. They are free of preservatives and synthetic flavors and colors, so you can be sure your kids are getting a whole-food multinutrient.
  • MightyVites are specifically designed for kids using nutrient-dense food-based superfruits, plants, and vegetables.

Thieves® Waterless Hand Purifier: How kids get so dirty is beyond us! Teach your kids about cleanliness before eating snacks or lunch with convenient and portable Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier.

  • Keep it in a front backpack pocket or gym bag to help kick germs to the curb.
  • Put it in the glovebox of your car for quick application before or after school!

Wolfberry Crisp Bars: Wolfberry Crisp Bars combine whole grains, fruits, nuts, and whey to give your kids the feeling of eating a sweet treat while still giving them a good dose of fiber, protein, and wholesome carbohydrates!

  • Sneak one in their lunchbox for a sweet, balanced treat!
  • Keep one in your glovebox for an after-school snack (for you or your kids)!
  • Switch up lunch and make our Fruity “Sushi” Roll with a Wolfberry Crisp Bar on the side!

Lavender Essential Oil: Create a peaceful setting with Lavender essential oil. Here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of your Lavender bottle!

  • Try adding 2-4 drops to a warm evening bath to help your child de-stress.
  • Put a few drops of Lavender on a pillowcase to create a calm and peaceful environment to support sleep.
  • Lavender can also be applied to the wrists or bottoms of the feet as part of a nightly routine!


♦ Diffuse Clarity’s earthy blend of Peppermint, Rosemary, and more while studying, sending emails, or checking other items off your to-do list.

♦ Between unloading the car, getting a snack, and sorting through bags, backpacks, and school supplies, the after-school rush can become overwhelming. Make the transition a little smoother by diffusing Clarity to signify that it’s time to settle in to some quiet homework time.

Citrus Fresh™

♦ School is important, but kids still need to have fun! Diffuse this bright, cheerful blend during play time when homework is done.

♦ Waking up for another day of school isn’t fun for anyone in the family. Make the start of the day a little brighter by diffusing Citrus Fresh in the bedroom or kitchen.

Lemon Vitality™

♦ Make homemade hummus with chickpeas, Lemon Vitality, and any other herbs and spices that suit your taste. Serve it with veggies and pretzels for a tasty and balanced after-school snack.

♦ Sip on a refreshing glass of lemon-infused water while the kids dig in to their treats. Add a drop to chilled, purified water or to a sparkling drink for a relaxing moment before the family jumps into homework.

Dryer Ball Benefits

Are you loving your Dryer Balls?  I know that I do!  They do a great job helping to speed up the drying time!  Did you know that you should replace your dryer balls every 6 months?  I don't know about you but my Dryer Balls are most definitely no longer white by the 6 month mark!  This just means that they were well used, in every dryer load with lots of Essential Oil! 

The benefits of these soft dryer balls, it’ll be hard to go back to using dryer sheets. Here’s a quick rundown of the benefits:

  • Cost-effective compared to dryer sheets
  • Reduce energy used by helping clothes dry 20-30% faster
  • Made of naturally sourced, non-toxic materials, unlike plastic dryer balls
  • Can be reused up to 1,000 loads of laundry
  • Reduce static electricity build-up in the dryer
  • Can be used with a drop of essential oil to add all-natural fragrance
  • Once used up, they can be composted at home or in municipal facilities
  • Often comes in a cotton bag that can also be reused and composted (plus it’s much prettier than those boxes dryer sheets come in)
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