Spring Cleaning has never looked so good with Young Living’s March Promo! Are you guys excited about these?!!! Because I am … all of our monthly household staples and then that GORGEOUS oil Hope!!! Ready to learn about why all households need these promos?


Lemon (Vitality) 5 ml

🍋 : Lemon is a cleaner for all difficult spots, high in limonene (Go Google that awesome sauce - no but really - do it! Jaw dropping stuff). Lemon vitality is an immune system powerhouse and helps to flush the body of toxins! Your digestive system will thank you when you add this to your water or Ningxia daily. We go through at least 2-3 bottles a month at my house! One of my fave trios to diffuse - lemon, lavender, and peppermint - smells like a spa!!


🛀 You’re welcome!
Citrus Fresh 15 ml: This blend is a combination of grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon, mandarin and spearmint.


🌱 Diffusing this oil will help eliminate odors, and is a mood booster! Citrus Fresh can also help stimulate the right brain to amplify creativity and well being. Like lemon, this oil (also a vitality) is high in limonene too so a great oil for overall wellness - your DNA will love this oil - let’s just say that! And that touch of spearmint… not only delicious to add to beverages, but spearmint helps one and release emotional blocks! And it compliments all the citruses beautifully.
Thieves Dish Soap: Gah!!!! This is the first time I have seen this in a PROMO - so exciting because we order this monthly! Thieves Dish soap is a plant based formula, free from SLS, SLES, dyes, formaldehyde, phosphates, and synthetic perfumes. It is infused with the power of Thieves, Jade Lemon and Bergamot essential oils. Effective, smells amazing and guess what… it isn’t going to disrupt your endocrine system or be another toxic product that diminishes your health. Friends, this is TRUE replacement buying. Everyone uses dish soap. You might be getting yours from Target or Costco. Take a quick visit over to
https://www.ewg.org and enter in your everyday Dish soap and you will find that many dish soaps contain ingredients that are linked to skin allergies, developmental and reproductive toxicity, asthma and other respiratory issues, and even cancer… friends… go get yourself some FREE dish soap this month that is toxin free. Know more do better.

Thieves Household Cleaner and Glass spray bottle: Probably in my top ten most used and favored Young Living Products is Thieves Household Cleaner. The uses pretty much seem endless… from your all purpose surface cleaner, to the product that you can use to remove stains from clothes, to a carpet cleaner, to even a DIY jewelry cleaner, Thieves cleaner is where it is at. And so much bang for your buck. I mean… it’s free this month.


👊 Best price ever


🤣. But even when you are ready to replace this… you will see how FAR it goes because the cleaner is a concentrate so you can use that glass spray bottle to dilute your cleaner with some water. Like the dish soap, Thieves Household cleaner is plant based, and is formulated with the powerful blend of Thieves. You can also check out the ratings of everyday household cleaners when you are checking out your dish soaps on the ewg website. You will find the same disturbing health risks with many everyday household cleaners and the ingredients that they contain that are toxic and deteriorate our health. I also love to know that my children are SAFE around these products. Those of you who are working towards getting your hormones to function like a boss - get the toxins OUT. Get the Thieves products in ✔️

Hope (5 ml): As if the promos weren’t good enough, Hope is the promo oil we get at 300 pv. This oil at the member price is $58.75, but it is FREE this month. Hope is essential for moving forward in life. Hopelessness can cause loss of vision, goals, and dreams. This blend will help you to reconnect with a feeling of strength and grounding, restoring hope for tomorrow.


🌈 The blend contains Melissa, Juniper, Myrrh, and Spruce. It is also linked with the emotion of “blindness” - when we close our eyes to things and ignore them as well as lack of respect. Who could use some Hope this month and everyday? Here is a challenge for you - when you get your Hope oil this month, place a drop on the center of your forehead daily and repeat a positive affirmation to yourself. See what starts to happen!!!












💥Who is going to grab up these promos?

🙋Who has some spring cleaning to get busy with and who is like me and is going to grab these beauties up TWICE?!!!