I love Fall...the changing colors, the leaves, but most of all the cooler weather. Now for those of us who live in my Area - it really is about the cooler weather because we don't get to see too much of the others.
October Promotions are AMAZING - can Young Living get any better. They've added a new Tier - the 100 PV, and if enough people order at that level - especially if you are new and are trying to learn about the products or build a team, 100 PV is the minimum for team building - they may just add this Tier on a permanent basis. So if you were wanting to get free products and 190PV was too much this Tier is for you - and what a great way to join Essential Rewards and earn cash back.
100 PV (NEW TIER) - NEW bonus essential Rewards exclusive: 5 mL Lavender Vitality
190 PV - Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5 mL Clove Vitality, NEW bonus essential Rewards exclusive: 5 mL Lavender Vitality
250 PV - Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray, NEW bonus essential Rewards exclusive: 5 mL Lavender Vitality, Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5 mL Clove Vitality
300 PV - New Zealand Wool Dryer Balls with 5 mL Lavender, 14.4 oz. Thieves Household Cleaner, Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray, NEW bonus essential Rewards exclusive: 5 mL Lavender Vitality, Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5 mL Clove Vitality
I am really looking forward to trying those New Zealand Wool Dryer Balls and the Best part is I am getting them FREE, that is truly the best way to try products and who knows maybe they will stock them after this. Lots of other promotional offers are available as well for New Members and for Current Members. Check them out in your Virtual Office
We had our 1st ever Beauty School and if you were there you know how Amazing and Knowledgeable our Silver Leader, Dena McGill is. It was a Sold Out Event and I personally can't wait for the next class she will do.
As we are getting closer to the Year End, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you build your business, answer any questions, or just help you maintain what you use.
If you are NEW to my Blog and you are interested in learning more about Young Living and how you can live a Healthier, Toxic Free Lifestyle - send me a message, I would love to share with you how Young Living has not only changed my Life, but allowed me to do many things that I was unable to do for many years.
Happy Fall Y'all