Frequencies of Wellness Revealed  
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations  - Nicola Tesla

Welcome to our Heart Scents Wellness Community! 

You've come to the right place if you are looking for greater vitality and you want to leverage your passion for helping others to make a bigger difference in this world! 

We believe the first step towards doing anything differently starts with building awareness of where you’re at. 

Begin this journey by completing the Heart Freedom Map™ Self-Assessment.

How can this Heart Freedom Map™ Self-Assessment help you?

This quick and easy self-assessment brings greater clarity on where you are with respect to 6 Core Freedom Pillars of your life and will help you arrive at your Heart Freedom Quotient

From our experience guiding clients on their Heart Freedom Map Journey, missing out on this level of self-reflection can lead to varying levels of feeling disconnected, overwhelmed or unfulfilled.  

Completing this self-assessment will help you get in touch with the full range of where you are currently in your ability to free your heart.

Regardless of where you land on your Heart Freedom Quotientyou will receive a tip at each freedom level to guide you to take the next step forward. 

Save yourself unnecessary grief with a quick check-in for your heart's sake.  

My Services

  • Quantum Illumination Light Body Reading
  • Genius Insight Quantum Biofeedback Scan
  • Wellness Strategy Consulting   

What is a Heart Freedom Coach?

I help clients align their body, mind and heart intelligences and develop high vibrational frequency daily practices which empower them to take heart-centered action to achieve soul-satisfying success.

Free Consultation

Let's chat! Set up a free 30-minute alignment call with me to see what we can accomplish together.